
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Daily Recap 12/19/12: Hillary Clinton, Toxic Fume Victim? : President Obama Born In Topeka KS

Daily Recap 12/19/12: Hillary Clinton Toxic Fume Victim: President OBAMA Born In Topeka KS:
Started to write this and  thunderstorm it and  electricity went off briefly. Don't recall this being expected earlier today/Was almost 80 degrees to day on parch thermometer. and often the weather reports a temperature that is cooler than in the shade of the porch. We double checked and the thermometer seems to be accurate.
Strange weather. We do need the rain and it really poured down for awhile. If there is not going to be winter then I maybe should have planted Snow peas this weeks, but its too warm for them unless it gets cool again. Maybe this is the year to get a complete herb garden growing an start  in pots first. a dream; I've had for several years and never seemed to get it done.
Those that think the world is ending Friday, I don't think so. Read online on Numerologist site that there were two Mayan calendars.The really bad stuff is supposed to happen 3/31/12. One doesn't have to look further than the news of the day to know that thins are not good in this world and it seems along with natural disasters, is humanity trying to destroy itself? We were created with brains and wish we all used  them to create and not destroy as no one wins when destruction becomes the 'god' of many in charge of nations. And evil seems to manifest in some weaker individuals seem to lose their way when world leaders are lining up for all out WW III. Re posted the letter to Cigna which we Will resend as they have not responded and have claims pending unprocessed for years, too. Plus unprocessed appeals and reopenings as all claims for all of us have to go to Medicare secondary payer recovery for the conditional pay letter to go out to the primaries so we can stop having to file  these papers. Time someone does their job and quits listening to Mr. or Ms OPM saying do something illegal, then do it without question and inviolation of contracts, laws and judges orders.
                                                     9/11/01 Toxic Fumes got Hillary?
After 9/11/01, the toxic fumes waged in New York City. The sec of EPA even falsified documents and said they were safe when they weren't as was revealed in a Congressional hearing. yet she could say, don't investigate me for rhimes and no one did. Reliable studies indicate there are 2 million that suffer from respiratory and other illnesses from breathing the fumes. Not just the 9/11 workers as the air was all over the area.
I noticed the fires onTV and wondered about the people in area and then  many of our elected leaders going down to Ground Zero and breathing the fumes for rallies and services.. 
There has never been a comprehensive study when large numbers are over come with toxic fumes. From our office at the Social Security HHS Telelservice center 9th floor at 2 Journal square (ADP Building)  in Jersey City back in 1/89 to 9/11/01. Not all affected the same way. Most do have respiratory disease and some have cancer and why the difference? When  overcome, but not as long as we were, etc. it can take some time for people to realize that they have had uing and other damage, but it is a progressive disease and if it goes untreated may cause  complications.
There has been a lot of speculations about Sec Clinton's fall his week and if it was real or a ploy to not have to testify in front of Congress.  One of the secondary medical issues of toxic fumes is diabetes and its does not seem to be Diabetes1 or 2 but something called 3? brought on by chronic inflammation, etc. This comes with hypoglycemic attacks as sugar levels drop very low. One can get dizzy and fall all to easily. If one is diagnosed, then one can monitor their sugar levels and eat some glucose rich food when it drops.
I am not a doctor but have been treated for almost 25 years and someone just starting to get tretment will find  the proven effective meds, and inhalers are pulled to save the environment. Next year, last one will be,so that 50% of the lung will not  have a rescue inhaler. Also one is supposed to be on oxygen  from day 1 and that does not mean one can't work at something non exertional.
I donn't have any knowledge about Hillary or  any other of the leaders that spentt time breathing the toxic fumes near Ground Zero, but its a possibliity  a small exposure has finally progressed disease to where it is now causing real problems.
When one has money, they often livee in more purified air environment,eat  more organic food sandddo those things I have had to do that does cost more money. An expense that OWCP and liality insurers don't often recognize.I still have claims pending for Hepa air pruifiers which cliaims examiner in '90 said could be paid and submitted and never procesed to date. Some of the 'new items' still pending.Lynn Blodgett CEO of Affiloiated Computer services lied and said had been processed. and everyone belelved him and ignored laws, and jduges orders as we fight for right to life and livelihood.
Wether she was affected or not, another medical problem often missed on an averageo of 7 years  is diabetes.When one goes for a routine physical, One is asked to fast to check cholesterol. and often glucose levels fall into normal ranges and no one knows that its sometimes too high or too low. I have advocated as a pateint and not a doctor to ask about purchasing yourself a 10 day kit and do a monitoring at home before their physcial Then if the readings are indicating a problem , the doctor has some documentation to persuade health plans to pay for other tests. My Class room diabetes trainer  said its taking 7years to detect diabetes. I was having dizy spells and falls long before it was caught. Now I'ved learend to monitor and take some glucose rich food when it drops  (Orange juice can rase it) . I use Cinnamon for treatment and and worked too well so doctor had me lower the dosage. If it runs high,can take higher dose for a while.
If one has this kind of asthma or other problems, then the meditations have no warning labels on them to know if you will have adverse reactiions. Acute inflammations, etc. get the wrong one and a fall and concussion could happen. I pray whe will be OK and can testify as to what she knows soon so important matter of govt can be known and never make these kinds  of horrible mistakes ? again. that cost lives.

Doyle photocopied papers and we sent in the packet to Novatis that took over froo Trailblazers. We filed in 7/12 but they never responded to our certified letter. and Novatis didn't seem to have it to  answer in the transfer.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS; Westboro Baptist, the president'ss maternal grandmother's family showed up it seem s in Sandy Hook to day. But no one asked them about the murder of his Dad 50+ years ago? A lot of people online are decrying their free speech and its despicable to me, too. I read  Ct did pass the 300 ft rule so they couldn't;t get real close. The 'birthers' need to realize they are a main component in the reason for  fake bio and his grandmother's justified fear of her family members. Justice delayed affects all of us. Too many bodies went into the Kansas river so many years ago and its miracle these three washed up on a sand bar, but  no real investigation I've ever known about or anyone aware of. We can't overcome our past if we cover it up. We have to face it , understand it to over come it. The racism I witnessed at Westboro Baptist  just seeme to be transferred into another kind of hate.I don't understand this kind of hatred in one how professes to be a Christian.? re posted 3 more of eyewitness Daily recaps just after this.
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES ARTICLE1 SECTION 4: (continued line by line analysis daily)
"The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different day."
Congress is in season most of the time now and we question there only having session 3 or 4 days a week. some say it would be better if they didin't meet and passing bad laws. But the principle is that they do meet.  Under the divine right of Kings when they were treated as gods and had supreme powers, he or she could dismiss  governing bodies and send them home at the Kings; pleasure. We have a body that is required to meet and get done what is needed for the general welfare of the people Obviously they met more often It seems the mandatory meeting is after the harvest season in the warmer  areas and they had to travel long distance by horse and carriage to get to the meeting. It would already have been winter. Bit it had to happen before the year was over and gave  a few weeks to wrap it up before going home for the holidays?
TOMORROW: Make Own Rules. Linda Joy Adams 12/19/12 (having rouble inserting edits  so will try my best spell checking)  just heard on news , we had a Tornado Warning in the Thinderstorm so need to get our battery radio set up. I didn't notice any sky that looked that way here. no sirens, etc. What season is it?

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