
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Daily Recap 12/18/12: Hidden motives Polarize: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 12/18/12: Hidden motives Polarize: President Obama Born In Topeka KS:
Very warm and sunny day after a cool night. yesterday got two checks in the mail from Federal Blues for two different filings of partial reimbursement for Oxygen for the last several months. This means we don't have to worry about the property taxes due soon. But a lot more is due and is badly needed for a lot of different things.
Of course, we are blessed considering others have no home at all and no food one the table and others have no family or friends to depend on.  Now I pray that the feds will straighten out this health Care corrupted mes so we don't have to continue filing appealss and having hearings on every claim filed. Without full coverage on medical from some source its still a finaical hardship and could be bankrupting to have to go to an ER or hospital if should need to. Plus not being able to have medial providers get an OK for OWCP  if its related which everything medical has been on me Hopefully it will not happen.
 Ordered some garden seed and looked at what we have already. It is nearly impossible to plan with the weather as it is. will we really have w\Winter again? I assume so as the Cardinals have not shown up yet and that's usually the first sign. At least can get some seedlings started indoors in sunny windows. Doyle got some good potting soil.
Spent day resting and feel a little better than in several days.
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS; Did some commenting on the president;s birth online at Huffington post and getting some really snides remarks Shows how hard it is for any one who is an eye witness to come forward in matters. Friday, westboro baptist plans to show up in Sandy Hook at the funeral s and 'I'm saying they should be confronted about the president's real dad and what some of the elders in their family may know of that and the whole circumstances of what occurred in Topeka KS. They can fill in gaps I'm not privy , too. 50+ years with no accountability over bodies that went into the Kansas river needs to be confronted on the three dead and the others everyone 'disappeareed' about over the years before.
HIDDEN AGENDAS Polarize: The search for Truth seems to be very illusive in this era. We have the birthers that only want to discredit and hate the Presidents and get him out of office by saying he is not eligible to be president , Yet none of them want to go after the Truth and discover he is really eligible and its just the wrong state that he was told was his place of birth. Niot told do to  immediate family's fear of KKK and relatives on his maternal grandmother;s side. some of whom will be present in sandy Hook Friday if they come. so when you see them there realize that actions of this group is why the birthers are out there and the president's papers were not in order.  That's my personal eye witness observations . 
Then you have the opposite polarized group. They love the president so much they have idolized him and will protect any perceived flaw. I don't consider the discrepancies of his birth any kind of flaw, as its been too common an occurrence for those too young to know  truths when their own loved ones do not share it.  They seem to not want to consider the president as being human, with human parents that loved him and did the best they could by him, even if it included not sharing all truth with him due to their own human fears and  trying to know what is best to do. The polarized opposites have those like me and other eye witnesses caught in their cross hairs. Truth is my agenda and justice be done. That's the forgotten agenda here. all the dead and disappeared that to many have chosen to forget and not confront the injustice whether any one can be brought to accountability at this late date or not. when those who have done these things are not held accountabile then they go out and do the things they have done to me and other s and get by with it too. why is it we don;t want to admit that evil and temptation exists and some of those around us in society do do terrible things and then we ignore it? But it affects everyone is some way and too often if its let to go on can have direct affect on m\ones life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and life and liviehood are put at risk.
Have reposted some more of the original and will continue to do so just after this posting and then will keep repoating until justice is done for us and for the three dead.  To those who  make snide remarks to me;  just trying to get the whole truth and justice out, maybe you should ask the birthers why they won't go get the real records and stop all this? Neether group seems intent on Truth and justice as one can't happen without the other.
THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES  ARTICLE I  SECTION 4.(continued line by line analysis of)
" The Times, Places and Manner of holding  Elections  for Senators and Representatives,  shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof;  but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter  such regulations, except as to Places of chusing Senators."
The States have full authority to hold the elections for both houses of Congress. but Congress with a law signed by the Pesident, etc. can alter this. I'm e not aware ,with out research, if the has ever actually occurred. But as to places for Senators can under jurisdiction of Congress. I am aware that candidates that register to be on the ballot do so inside the atates and with state and local officials as directed by the state. But it is different with the US Senate races as there is a filing with the US Senate, also in current era.
There are checks and balances to assure fair elections and the way the Constitution does this is to have more than one level or branch of govt have some power over the process.
We see this occur when there are vacancies in Congress by resignations death. Different rules can apply as to how the vacancy is filled. if not done failrly and be the laws in place then the judicial branch of the Federal govt may intervene as happened in ILL in the filling of the vacancy of the US Senate seat of President Obama when he was elected to President. It is important that someone be sent to fill the vacancy as soon as possible to represent the people.
TOMORROW: Must get together: Linda Joy Adams 12/18/12

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