
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Daily Recap 12/11/12: Injustice affects children: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 12/11/12: Cool day. decided to go to a different hospital to get my lab work done. I;m very thankful t\for the doctors that have stood by me with all that is going on. I think they know I am on their side  and trying to get our congressional leaders to  get some accountability back into the system which is failing everyone but the crooks.  Too many don't realize they are affected as these taxes they pay are often not used for what our elected officials even said they were to be used for.
Air wasn't too bad at this place but when a scanning machine was run there was some odor which got me some. It was set just in front of the patient.  I'm still hoping to get all the files for the last almost 25 years scanned into disks, but this alerts me to the need for others to do the job. Its not a completely odor less job.
Hepa air purifiers help in keeping the particulates down from those photocopied paper but still gets to me.
                                                           IT WARNING
I signed the papers an added in the statement that I was not liable for bills not legally filed and appealed and gave all the three ins info. There is also a new rule in place hat after 10 years, ones medical records will not be available. Pennsylvania already has this. So here we are with 25 years of unprocessed items and bills and medical providers don;t even know they are due money. The 2/09 appellate Judges were correct because They will have to use my records to precess all this. So if ones liable party can play around and commit illegal acts for 10 years, then everyone loses except the person that or party that should be paying? Np! but one had better get their records timely and hang on to them.
Also, what one signs at a registration desk for a medical provider may never get to their billing service.. more than one Ive had bill collectors hounding me and al the ins were not billed. There is a Medicare regulation  from over a year ago that say medical providers can be held accountable and even be charged with fraud if they are told  and decide to just dump the bills onto Medicare without going through the process .It also denies the patient their civil right to file appeals if claims are not paid. I have to get  these responses in order to file the appeal and get in front of a judge and hopefully someone will be ordered to straignten this corrupted mess out. But judges orders are ignored and disappeared routinely and no one knows that this affects everyone. They have been so mesmerized to think that its OK if they are harmed or even die from this as Justice doen'tt matter. I don't read my faith book the  Bible the same way and it was Christ that turned the tables over in the Temple because of the high level corruption going on at the time. The peoples money given in good faith was being stolen and historical books can be read about how the corruption had gotten so bad as the priesthood went along with the Romans.
Now we have corrupted leaders in our systems going along with the corrupted high level wealthy cabal. we never seem to learn and yet we are to someday finally not go along with this kind of ill treatment of others.
 After I registered and was given a type of I Pod to hold until they paged me to go back to the lab, and I noticed that on the print out sheet on the top of the papers which I had not signed it only showed Blues and it was labeled Blue Choice. but it did have my correct id number. so I wrote in the other two insurance ( Federal owcp and info and Medicare part B which I have , but its not on the computer system and due to disappearance of the hearing file never had a hearing and the corruptions in charge apparently will never let me have it back again. as the legal issues and missing part B premiums have to be addressed and whomever is in charge, doesn't want it to happen. I can be charged with fraud for knowingly not tellng a medical provider about OWCP. Medicare is secondary to both, so it would not be fraud to not tell, but it is going to have to pay the co pay conditionally  if OWCP doesn;t for awhile.  All accounts  indicate this is  at the highest level in Baltimore Headquarters about the obstriction for a Hearing whihc has subpoena power.. which is where all orders that have done such terrible things to me and to others of my co- workers came from. Felonies that have caused death and no one ins investigated as they have the power to say 'don't investigate me.' With a corrupted Professional conducts office in the Us Justice dept which is supposed to investigate this kind of high level corruption, any attorney general that tries to correct problems there is met with political opposition. In the case of AG Holder it was repooted that their was nepotism going on inside the office. Soon after he began to start some actions, all of a sudden he was met with investigations of him for what I still haven't been able to quite figure out since the programs started before he came in  to the office. All of this has been going on for over 30 years and its not getting better and both parties in Congress is addressing it by saying abolish Office of Personnel Management which was formed in 1979 and has been a continual breeding groudd for corruption, bribery and unaccountability. ( Bit if replaced by more unaccountable govt contractrs, it cold be even worse than now.)Its a system that allows one to blame the other. As I've said her I'm told OPM said it, OPM orderde it. for all the corrupted and illegal acts. Yet I've never been told how one meets OPM. that speaks and writes since its not a person. but an entity. Someone is doing this and 'everyone' protects that person?  In 2014, when all come under this corrupted system, maybe many more will not be happy  and want making Mr or Ms 'OPM' accountable.
So Doyle took the from back to them and asked for a copy, I had received a copy of the other forms I signed. I noticed on the HIPPA form as to whom they could talk to I gave names of adult children and husband. but only Doyle was put down and I added the others. Now that probably  means that the dept that got that piece of paper doesn't know they can share with any one but husband.I have no medical records that isn't almost public any way and certainly my immediate family is permitted by me to know.
The ways things are getting I can see them pulling in one person and  not allowing others in to discuss things. In times of high emotion, it often takes the entire family together to make important decisiosn. Otherwise it can cause long time problems if its not done that way. I'd never seen such a way of doing this. and it didn't say allowed to give info to but a support person. The experience was an 'eye opener and 
I read that employers are getting socked with an extra $63 a perooson for those with pre existing conditions and its not even in the original bill  but some regulation that has been dreamed up. yet no regulatory hearings are being help.  Why is ones employer allowed to knwo if you or a family member have a pre existing condition? Isn't that an invasion of privacy? Will empolyment be denied to those with such or a family member? We are going down a terrible slippery slope into Fascism based on who is worthy and who isn't when My Faith says all lfe is precious and worthy for salvation. Our laws say that is DISCRIMINATION!The Cabal of elite seem to be holding  'secret meetings' and coming up with  just another pot of money to scam or skim from.  Its only getting wors,e folks.
                                                      HOW MANY TO HAVE PLACE A TV?
Got back to lab, and  after blood drawn,  was not asked if I could tolerate the new adhesive tape that is used almost everywhere which causes my skin to get irritated and even bleed. The person had it on my arm and I asked if it was that kind and I said what it would do. Chemical sensitivity is not being acknowledged in the new medical systems, yet millions have it and how can one get well if sick if they are being injured? I asked if  they had a band aid, or some other kind as I was bleeding yet. She got a regular band aid from another drawer and put it on. DISCRIMINATION HURTS! And the worse part is the people doing it don't even know they are doing it as their training has excluded millions of patients?
When I was getting registered and everything I was saying including  mentioning the regulation that once the medical provider is notified they are obligated to not bill the wrung party and if Medicare is billed it has to be labeled a conditional payment or its fraud and they can be charged with it,- she was giving me a look  that I knew full well she was ignoring what I said as  if it didn't matter. I did finally say, I had done Medicare fraud investigations and their hospital had been paid 17 times on every claim back to 1/06 and it was like it didn't matter and said  the administration of the hospital will not givee me a simple letter that they only got one pay per claim. If there was no collusion by billing services and most medical providers have hired them do to all the shenanigans going on. One can't just have a billing clerk/receptionist hired and the clams go in and get paid \anymore  due to all the corruption and IT shenanigans on . . And after I left the desk, the incorrect ins info was down. At least they had pulled my info off the computer that had me working at the local social security office. It had been corrected. But what else she was seeing in my computer file, meant IGNORE HER DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HER! This new IT can't be good and one is not going to be able to get what is  in these files as its not medical record.s.Andit not under HIPPAA when it come from a govt contractor's records. Yet , this is the hospital I might have to come to and employees are caught in a system that will not let them do best they know how for the patient.  Errors can't get corrected at all in the govt contractors files  or not very easily elsewhere when one finds it hard to obtain everything they know is not always called 'medical records.' This gossip and intentional lies can get into the mix if a liability insurer is just getting out of paying a bill or claim or lawsuit. Ive already learned of some things and its way beyond bizarre and maliicous and completely untrue and not anything I have ever been treated for or diagnosed with.  A deadly and illegal game with lives and health. and reputations of doctors who never diagnosed any such thing. In some of mine they had me going to board certifed pulmonologists for only a cold instead of what they did put down to circumvent having to file with OWCP and give me right of appeal if bill not paid. and medicare contractor not ever knowing to send out a recovery letter to get the money back  Over an estimated  trillion dollars is owed back that is not on records and if records disappear in 10 years, then all that money will be lost and stolen forever... as how can any one be prosecuted with the evidence gone? Completelcoup d'etat takes place in 2014 as 300 million or more of us lose our right to life and property as overpayemnts caused by thei fraud is agianst the patients and their estate.
One can  print out SSA 632 form, do not give persnal finanical info and state you want a waiver thats agianst "equity and good conscience." Send it to Social security by certified mail and keep a copy with your will. You will never get an answer from any one as the agreemment to do these has never been implemented by Comissioner Astriue after  he signed in 2005 to have SSA do them.. A stolen credit card law protects the  victim, here no protection and the victim may never know it has happened as no notification letters are sent along with the Medicaire summary notice. They are suppressed.
While waiting for  lab to call me. a woman that was around the hospital  Asked 'are you all right' to me. I said its just more of what is going on  in this world. Why did she approach me? One never knows but her personal story is horrendous and is so typical of what is happening to our veterans today when they have children they leave behind to go off to war. I won't share much about it, but she came home to a situation that  was not good and the state agency which is usually run by Affiliated computer Services, a xerox company ( by other corporate names) had bgotten involved and her family has been torn apart over this.  I told her I would pray for her and my prayers are that her children know she loves them and that in some way the relationships can be made whole again.
The eletist cabal do affect everyone and in ways one may never realize until one is  caught up in the corrupted mess. We have a generation of children that have been hurt in the worse ways by a system that seems to care less for love and family and seems to want to do away with love altogether. My faith leader, Christ, said we are to love one another, but this does not seem the ideology of those in charge at all.So who is their god? Not mine! And not the one most profess to follow , which is called by many names. May "I AM WHO SAVES" YAHUSHA, whom Christians call CHRIST JESUS:  Bless al lthe children as they are our future and its a challenge for all parents to be able to teach the values of love for one another in a system that has gotten so corrupted.
So back to the Lab and here come a crowd of  women led by a male administrator. And discussing how the ceiling may have to be taken down to put up a TV set.. I still haven't figured out why one person couldn't come up with a plan and send an e-mail and say any objections to this?  I did notice that the lab, which is small for the largeness of the hospital, had tracks in the ceiling where curtains could be put up to surround the patients. And I reallied that there was no real room for the person drawing blood to be. and the desk was very long and must have been the ER just around the corner? Unusual set up and I've been around a lot of hospitals over the last almost 25 years since injured on 1/10/89;. which their biling service would never know the date since the Medicare computer puts down the date of entitlement  to Part A Medicare for the date of injury and most are misled to trick allowing Medicare to illegally pay the Bill. A lot of thought and scheming ha gone into this step by step stealing of America. The worse part of discrimination is most of the ones doing it don't even realize they are as they go along with incorrect info foisted on them by those really doing it and getting by with it..

PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: When a child is not told the truth and needs to get his papers in order, that is letting the child down. One doesn't have  to tell every detail, but the basics are needed. Too often the parents and family are suffering form their own hurts and do not realize that this affects the next generation and the next. So I have been trying tho share some of the details of what I know of why the Presidentt's records are not in order.  Was there some fear that his real Dad's family might have some kind of influence? Or did his maternal grandmother ever bother to find out? as my mother did. She needs to be honored and recognized for her supportt and caring in the matter. There seemed to be some orders form outside my immediate household to not permit me to know or be involved in any way and yet my parents did let me know what was occurring. Who pulls the strings should never be an unknown entity, should the strings get knotted and twisted if all the truth and facts are not known.
The court cases continue and now Alabama supreme court is getting the issue of the president's eligibility. Orly Taitz or someone could end this by filing in Topeka KS court and she did not do so. I am not an attorny and not sure what I could do . Am I being called to take the action no one else will and end this! He is eligible  but doesn't; have the right state as he doesn't; know as the staff at the Sec of State of KS said to me back on 9/14/12 as posted here.  And the main media tha did know the truth , went along with keeping a secret from the President himself/ Why?
To disrupt and cause strife and distract everyone that should be lobbying their elected officials about various bills and regs getitng passed including the $63 tax that was not passed by Congress? How many other taxes are going to be assessed that Congress never Okayed?
I didn't;t get involved directly until this all surfaced again in 7/12 and began posting on 7/26/12 and have statred reposting  a few each day just before posting new Daily Recap.. Those that hate the president don't allow yourselves to be driven by false info that is out here He is eligible and both parent were USA natives. And their is no evidence he knew or has known to date as the fake bio was in place by Fall of 1963. That's the only issue. Do you know and when? INTENT  is required in fraud. Get the real records and ask the questions! So we can focus on the business og\f govt.
"Immediately after they shall be assembled  in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators  of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one-third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next meeting if the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies." obviously later amendments have Senators directly elected by the people  now.
But the principle is that its not to be an exclusive six year club and every two years,  New faces will be present or the people will decide to send the same ones back. Often this occurs for decades in some cases.
There was no King that said who would be the three classes in the first assembly. Historical records will show how they decided to  send 1/3 home each year for a new person to come or be recent back.It was considered very important for each state to be fully represented in Congress at all times. Taxes were collected by the states and forwarded in and the great lobbying power rested in them, not in huge money interests as we have now when taxes get collected from each of us and sent direct to the Federal government upsetting the balance of powers put in place. Which has led to taxes being imposed that Congress has never voted happened recently in the new Health law. A tax that makes no sense at all..Just more money without representation and going into the coffer of the very elite and not to the govt at all
.Senators serve longer than a President which means there is a constancy in our govt of someone still being there if everyone else got voted out and no one was left that knew what was going on. ( That seems to happen  among some of those  those that have been there a long time, anyway?) TOMORROW: Master of Life: Linda Joy Adams 12/11/12

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

Spellcheck worked most of time.