
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

violations of civil rights page 34; msprc missing my records

Medicare Secondary Recovery Contractor
P.O. Box 138832
Oklahoma City, OK. 73113
( a subsidiary of Group Health, in international conglomerate)
    On 9/29/10 the first of bills paid by medicare were ruled on by the Medicare Appellate judge who said the few claims in front of  her for 2006 paid oxygen claims were the legal responsibility of Federal Workers Compensation. she did not overturn two Administrative law judge rulings that both Federal workers compensations and federal Blue cross blue shield were primary to Medicare. Its the legal responsibility of medicare to collect monies due back from ones primary payers that were paid due to shenanigans by ones primary payers and end the on going abuses by the primaries.
I had provided a copy of the ruling case: M09-1406 to your office by fax and had heard nothing from you on it. The recovery letters were sent in 2008 on the bills and they went to Affiliated Computer Systems, the US Dept of Labor contractor, who promptly ' threw it away ' as they did the letters  from  you in 2005,  and 2007 when your employees tried their best to find the bills paid by Medicare from the the national health insurance data base as trailblazers, the cms contractor had illegally manipulated the claims and even had Medicare coordination of Benefits delete my federal Blue cross off the records to bypass both of my primary payers and have Medicare pay and committed " theft of the Medicare trust fund" by creating a phony Medicare number and bypassing all the legal checks on theft. Congress said they can't be prosecuted for theft but they can for violations of civil rights. And the recent action reopens their on-going civil rights violations. every Medicare claim paid was either for a permanently accepted medical conditions at federal workers comp ( OWCP) or its a secondary/ tertiary issue  that has yet to be reviewed for acceptance and should be listed for medical subrogation.
Affiliated Computer Systems has never set up my computer case file as they have others, and have spewed out incorrect and misleading information from a ' dummy' offline file that indicates case closed with a third party  ( unknown) should pay from a settlement. None of this has occurred and the official records and 6 appellate judges at the US dept of Labor knows it and remanded the case back indicating ' everyone' is to ask me for the facts of the case as I seem to be the only one who has the case file and currently I am faxing 50,000+ pages to Christina Stark the regional office manager who is forwarding it on to Affiliated computer systems as they are not allowed to have paper in the regional office as security can't be assured on files? So the case still won't get worked.  Ones claims examiner has no access to  my files as they do on other claimants from this disparate treatment. Theresa Davis tried to decide a wage loss issue without the file and has caused more chaos. That is under appeal and reconstruction being done, but its unknown if ACS will still set up the claims file as their contract terms state and return monies to Medicare. Civil rights complaints have been filed and amended with the US Dept of Labor against Medicare coordination of benefits , your parent company's other CMS contractor, and there are civil rights complaints pending at HHS office of civil rights on the three health plans/ contractors.Sabotage of life sustaining medical care is on- going. Having to reconstruct files aggravates my accepted medical injury conditions due to exposure to inks and exertions, etc.
Today, I received a letter from you that was a copy of a collection letter sent to Federal WC US Dept Of Labor. Address it was sent to was not shown. Incident date was still being listed as date of entitlement to Medicare instead of date of injury of 1/10/1989. My attorney did not get  a copy although MSPRC has had the information and other documents. They are now missing' in your move from Detroit MI, to Oklahoma City? He is the attorney of record even though most of filings, etc are done by me with him as 'monitor' after 22+ years. Case is established and I'm just trying to get medical care and reconstruct files that keep disappearing out of the custody of the contractors which are violations of my civil rights that this is happening.
Instead of the claims the Medicare judge ordered were OWCP's, I got some bills for the year of 2001 from one pulmonologist, One I would still be seeing if OPM"/OWCP officials had not ' persuaded him in 2002 that I could not receive any medical care except in emergency rooms. "They don't want me to be seen by any board certified pulmonolgist or receive any treatment to sustain life?" So they convince him no insurance was going to pay anything to any doctor if they treat my accepted medical conditions!No coverage on Medicare or Fed Blues either. This was at the time that Illinois Blues " took over" from Arkansas Blues in TX, NM and OK and Affiliated computer systems took over control and custody of all paper and claims processing for OWCP and never set up my computer file. The civil rights abuses began More in earnest and one Blues manger said the Director of OPM was behind it all and ordered : Let her die! A DEATH Panel decision.
After waiting on the line, for forty minutes,at your call center ;I talked with a nice lady who was a temporary employee and sent a message to " Special projects" unit. My previous call, before sending in the Medicare judge's ruling was sent to the Federal workers compensation unit. "I'm SPECIAL?"
GOOD NEWS! within 2 weeks, MSPRC"S computer system will be able to show the injury date. which is 8 years prior to my date of entailment to Medicare.( I tried my best to work  on multiple occasions under conditions that did not meet work restrictions placed on my by Federal workers compensations and promised by HHS to be done which resulted in enenforceable sanctions from EEOC on a federal agency) ( There is a 22+ year claim still pending at Social security for an earlier entitlement date to Medicare that has ' disappeared 6 times and resulted in loss of part B Medicare premiums form Cyber escrow because the software program for the $250 stimulus payment didn't have a field to check active federal workers compensation case.) ( Didn't have a cross check with the offiical us dept of labor computer?)More civil rights damages. So there are no recent Medicare paid bills.
You also have had a copy of the third party law suit that US dept of labor required me to file and has been obstructed due to ACS not getting all issues and claims processed and paid so the actual monetary damages is even known to reimburse the taxpayer.
The nice lady I talked to said that ' you' decided to not pursue any collections from the primary payers, yet one letter of one doctor in 2001 was sent out to ACS for collection. I was a patient of theis doctor from 5/00 through 8/2002 when OWCP/OPM/ACS 'went after' my doctor for providing medical care that met all acceptable treatment standards. I assumed that letters would arrive on one year of bills from each medical provider / supplier and was shocked that this was not anticipated.
Part of the civil rights damages is that when the Medicare claims processor either left off the diagnosis code or altered or only listed the most generic to illegally bypass sending the claim to you for collections, it is more difficult to determine what is or is not related. Basically all bills from a pulmonologist, cardiologist and ear nose and throat doctor are for accepted medical conditions. That has been legally well grounded, except the file has not been made available from ACS to the claims examiner. Oxygen is the reason I have the permanent medical benefits that will only end on my death, which is not anticipated for many more years. There is a buy - out option. If this should occur then a line of credit is given to my employer group health plan to pay the claims at 100% reimbursement rate and Medicare wouldn't be asked to pay them.
The rest of my medical claims may or may not be for accepted conditions. But they have been filed as secondary/ tertiary claims that have yet to receive a review by my claims examiner for approval.
The highest authorities at both Medicare and at US Dept of Labor have ruled. and no subordinates are permitted to defy them. Nor are govt contractors.
I'm looking forward to having 22+ years of judges and laws defied to end by a few abusing powers that have personal reasons for not wanting me to live or have medical care. What has been on-going is abuse of power, illegal and violations of my civil rights as well as the rights of my medical providers/ suppliers to be able to provide medical care that meets acceptable treatment standards without interference and to be paid timely by the appropriate health plan in the correct amount without their claims being altered from what was placed in my medical records.
There are parties whose ' persona; reasons' are staying out of jail  with charges related to deaths of my co-workers or actions done after the fact.
If you do not have all the records that were compiled and forwarded to you in 2006 and 2007, then this is one more federal file in the custody of a govt contractor that needs to be reconstructed. Please send me a letter and a fax number to use so the person in charge of working the collections on my case have them.
You are not the decider of fact on my workers compensation case. The judges have set aside the last excuse for full reinstatement of wage loss in 2/09 which was caused by a felony destruction of my claims file in the Dallas regional office back in the late '90's. and the disappearance of the reconstructed file the judges sent to ACS in London KY in 2004 causing the Sec of Labor's to make arrangement for a reconstruction in 2005 and subsequent ' disappearance at ACS, again. The judges said in 2/09, accept my records and ask me for the facts of the case. The medical is permanent, and you are not involved in wage loss vs. work issues. I did return to work in 1990 and EEOC sanctions against HHS-SSA well proves it in those case files.
The lack of security on case files in OWCP offices, led to a contractor hired to assure security and not allow any paper files to be kept or seen in a us dept of labor owcp office. ALL papers filed, faxed, hand delivered have to be mailed direct to ACS at PO. Box 8300  London KY and then they are NOT to be a decider of fact nor which bills to process. All submissions are to be posted to a organized claims file so that the case can be worked. Whether the submissions are from the claimant or the highest appellate judges at US Dept of Labor, all are to be treated equally and processed equally. My case has had gross discrimination and violations of my civil rights resulting is a life and death struggle for life sustaining medical care as rumor and gossip gets strewn about as facts. Judges said: ask me for the facts.
Your highest authority is the Medicare judge who ruled: owcp gets the claims first, then Fed Blues an last Medicare. Not one party to this appealed. not my employer, nor me. OPM is NOT a party. Collections are in order. Since I and my estate have an overpayment liability that would not have existed if the Medicare intermediaries had labeled all the claims as conditional; I am  pleading that you fulfill your legal obligation to me and to the taxpayer by sending out recovery letters on the accepted medical conditions and list the others for recovery should additional medical conditions be accepted. With the claims having been 'manipulated' by the Medicare claims processing contractors, it is reasonable to send all claims to ACS and let them use the reconstructed file to determine if its for  accepted medical conditions or goes with which pending ca1 and ca2 on secondary/tertiary issues. That is the terms of your contract. Phone calls from govt officials is not 'OFFICIAL". 'They 'have the same official info and judges' rulings or should have before trying to  influence your non-compliance with your contract, the law, judges and to me the injured worker whose life and livelihood are at stake. Linda Joy Adams


Linda Joy Adams said...

UPDATE; NOTHING CHANGED, CEO LYNN BLODGETT IS THE FINAL SAY. HE SAYS MEDICARE NOT TO RECOVER MONIES forom Fed workers comp, Fed blues nor law suit. MSPRC has moved to OKC and none of the work Detroit did has survived- paper or digital. After HR 1063 signed I called and have received no copies of any efforts to recover.Plus they are to intervene if medical care blocked as ILncare and Rhema are. NO HELP to date. MSPRC is now able to access the common working file under their parent company's control. She saw the secured official post from IT at US Dept of Labor's of permanent medical but Fed Blues is deleted soon after posted for family and I. They didn't even have the paid oxygen claims from Cigna Govt Services sent them and recovery letters went out to ACS. My Fed Workers comp claims examiner in Dallas has never seen any of this and MSPRC lady had no idea London Ky was not US Dept of Labor,but ACS.only address they have for any of us. More Hiding I have been on o2 for almost 20 years by Fed workers comp for life and triggered the missing million to start through ageincies and Fed Reserve and ACS's oculd 'see' it in 1/06. and all told I had it to pay bills and my reqeusts go unanswered to find it. ACS is Medicare 'partner'. ACS has to be billed first before Medicare and even for Fed Blues which says send to Medicare per CEO Blodgett's orders through interlocked OPM contractors. . including for oxygen to live or for a new tank or any supplies by his subcontractors Rhema or Lincare and ACS has blocked their right to do but I did file for them and no respnnse. All About Mobility filed , never heard, had me call and I was told by Manager in Tallahasse they had orders to 'let me die'and not to input as they would be paid and the 'gig' would be up. Nor any answer to my claims since 1/08 when we have to go to gas compnay to fill tanks and one left is defective and when it goes I die. CEO Blodgett has to be billed first before Medicare can by Lincare or Rhema and blocked by him. All About Mobility did and Medicare paid by CGS; claims to MSPRC letters sent to ACS and all missing. SInce 1/08.Medciare Heaing pending with ACS to overturn no pay if no supplier as a Med reg put all small ocmpanies in USA out of the biz. So far , no help on this and I Ask for their intervention. with Lincare or if they won't with Rhema. . HR 1063 gives authority to intervene and no oneis immune in or outside the govt and tis contractors. .Also missing the reocrd of the third party law suit disappeared , too. which OWCP required me to file on behalf of the taxpayers. So I lay here recovering from pneumonia trying to do their jobs all of the above are paid to do and being stopped by the same entity throughout. NOVATIS has not sent claims on all to recover, ignoring our filing with them last year after spekaing to a manger there. ITS TIME FOR THE SEC OF HHS TO SEND A DUE PROCESS NOTICE TO ALL PARTNERS OF MEDCIARE, BILLING SERVICES AND CLEARING HOUSES AND ENTITIES, MEDICAL PROVIDERS, SUPPLIERS THAT STEALING FROM MEDICARE WILL NO LONGER BE CONDONED. Bill the primary, then Medicare AS THE GOVT IS AGAIN ENFORCING ITS LAWS. REPORT ANY BLOCKING OF RIGHTS TO OIG? who will send out a warning letter and if not obeyed, legal actions will be taken by the govt. Retaliation againsts those providing medical care will not be tolerated, either. You will see health care system turned around for the better real fast, is my experienced opinion. Linda Joy Adams 1/17/14

Linda Joy Adams said...

Allegedly Emblem health international is going to stop hacking the common working file and altering the posting from my employer which is US Department of Labor since last went home on Federal workers comp the last time. But when the contractor took total control in the COUP OF 2002 BY ACT OF CONGRRSS no one has been able to process my request for permanent disability in the real government not have access to my files, or even dozens of judges orders of theirs of things to do ...and not yet done from FECA and SSA has had a judge remand their reconsideration back to get their done that was obstructed back in 1999 and 2000.and SSA claims data and personnel files hacked also as far back as 2002 when archived and other records deleted and altered there in same entity control now. So I can't legally retire. 38 federal agency judges defied by Lynn Blodgett now the ruler of the USA as the hired hand of an international cabal in most agencies as contractors given immunity for any civil or criminal oversight by Congress. he also has ordered recovery unit what to do and currently it appeared an attempt to retrieve archived records not visible for years on line and hack and delete any reference to me ever being put on liquid home oxygen by FECA> I say this as a continuous pattern of behaviors including and order to :let her die; which is the ultimate illegal act to order. The AFL-CIO said years ago I was one of about 6 who were a type of medical precedent case for toxic and chemical injuries and now studies say there are 11 million patients similar to me in the USA and does that mean we all have deadly games played with out lives also?? My last issues began before ACS took control when my file was riffled and made to look as if I did not return to work in 1990 and the US Dept of Labor appellate judges have overcome every excuse created to not post my file, process and pay items under FECA.
In fact the order to "let her die' by Lynn Blodgett and his god boss has been repeated by many high level officials and management of his own companies with no power to arrest a 'mob contract' while the DOL judges orders is TO ASK ME FOR THE FACTS AS NNO ONE ELSE KNOWS AS GOSSIP AND RUMOR HAS RUN AMOK And reconstruct my files from my records as several reconstructed sets of over 50,000 pages of approvals or life mixed in with unprocessed matters some legally pending as far aback as 1989 and numerous judges ordered to process them have disappeared including the one ordered posted by the former SEC o labor and defied also...and Director of FECA and even a US Senator as all in the real government have no authority over LYNN BLODGETT since the COUP of 2002.
SINCE 2/09, NO ONE HAS ASKED ME nor answered my certified letter or other follow ups to set up a process, etc. AND LYNN BLODGETT PERSONALLHY BEGAN A VENDETTA OF LIES AND SMEARS TELLNG AGENCY HEADS THAT THERE IS NOTHING TO DO ON MY CASES AS I'D GOT A WORKERS COMP SETTLMENT AND RETIRED AND I NEVER DID AND THE REAL RECORD AT DOL IN DC THAT THE RO CANNOT SEE SHOWS THAT AS THE MEDICARE JUDGES GOT IT AND SAID BILLS WERE FECA'S AND THEY SHOULD PAY THEM (MO9-1406) if that were true then where is the restored leave check from my employer that all the paper work was completed to get, years ago as soon as I was put on permanent disability and retired by FECA etc.
When the federal government can not secure its records any more than it can its borders then we have no homeland security for any ones life or livelihood and the answer is not to contract it out so the real government can be IGNORANT OF WHAT IS GOING ON! AND WHY DID THE JUDGES ORDER THINGS PROCCESSED INCLUDING ALL THE OXYGEN CLAIMS FILED AND NEVER INPUT SINCE ACS ET AL TOOK OVER TOTAL CONTROL OF THE USA IN THE COUP OF 2002? Now trying to hide they have them all this tine unprocessed. WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THIS??George Soros who now claims he is the mastermind of the COUP of 2002?? and god of the world?? Blodgett's boss he worships? Linda Joy Adams 8/30/16