
Saturday, March 12, 2011

violations of civil rights page 15 @ HIPPAA to Billing

Received attached bills and primaries not billed according to these? ACS-shows no record of claims, Fed Blues has been paying claims recently since ILL State AG and US atty went after them and got $25 million for  illegal "dumping" onto medciare which is what they did as soon as Ill Blues took over in TX and ACS took over for Federal workers comp. I advised  in writing for you to call Regional office manager in Dallas for OWCP as she called me recently unaware  of the continual problems that ACS had never set up my computer file and bring it on line with the Medicare computer that shows ( correctly) according to 7 federal judges that I have permanent owcp medical  and should always be billed first. Also past claims all have to be reworked. I'd written and asked your legal dept about a false claims against Trailblazers that paid ever claim k to 1/06,17 times.*Nee your exact claims as billed and what you got back( many got it back on a phony claim #). This is on past written HIPPAA requests and is amended to include these claims. I've e-mailed info to Ms Mabrey on this recently. Civil rights and contract compliance complaints are pending on the contractors. * you have access to other patients whom similar has occurred according to witnesses.


Linda Joy Adams said...

UPDATE; Nothing has changed for the better.. If anything the colletion calls from bill colletors increases trying to make me pay more than 100% for preventative care tests where insuracne policies and plans ( all govt ones ) say its to be 100% paid for. So bill is collected for payment from all sources at over 100% of the contracted rate. Yet, for Federal families; the policy we have is a lie as there are secret 'deals' that are the real ones and we are not allowed to know or have a copy of the real one that says when tests are to be paid for at 100%, OPM's contractor interlocked with ACS-Xerox pays 50% and Fed Employees group plans pay only part and then the balance is expected to be paid by patient or illegally steal from Medicare or more ususally Medicare is asked to pay first even though it legally is not. If there is a medical problem to be treated orignally these plans which still say the same things as they did with the initial test would be paid at 100% and then the treatment would have co- pays.
In my medical case, Federal workers comp would get the claim first as its medically known some coditions can develop these tests might detect.
Of course, no one at US Dept of Labor is allowed to see the file or know what has occurred as CEO Lynn Blodgett will not permit my file to be posted for them to see as only ACS-XErox gets all the initial filings from all sources. Even the agency appellate judges orders go to them first after I get my copy. Those whose job it is to carry out the orders have no idea what has been ever ordered to be done .yet act on them. Only the appellate judges will permit us to reconstruct the file with them directly, and then the entire file disappears along with the remand orders once sent to London, Ky ACS-Xerox to post. NO ONE ENFORCES THE ORDERS OR THE LAWS AT ALL.NOR GOVT CONTRACT TERMS WHICH SAY LAWS MUST BE OBEYED!
Posted at a later date is response to a decision from the Contract compliance office Director at US Dept of Labor Mr Dodd who stated in writing that they have no authority to enforce their own contracts and make them obey the laws of the land at all. So, the 2009 remand orders I got to end this impasse that well implied that this contractor, ACS should be replaced was kept from the govt officials and the contract got renewed for another 5 years until 2015. How may will also suffer physcial and financial hardhsip, too from this?
The claims filed may join the over a decade of unprocessed Oxygen claims to 'hide' the documented fact of on going care for accepted conditons with permanent medical benefits? CONFLICTS OF INTEREST EXIST ALL OVER THE PlACE! WHO GIVES OUT CONTRACTS WITH SUCH?
Yet claims are rarely filed even though I have given tham all the three plans info to protect the hosptial me,and my estate, etc. So if the claim is not paid by Federal workers comp If cliams are filed, I have my constitutional rights of appeal and they can then go ahead and ask for a medical subrogation payment from my other two plans. And their rights are violated if they are coerced into not exercising them and not filing the claims as the law requires.
Medical billing companies are not the deciders of what is or is not accepted at Federal workers comp, Nor are they to be asking for the legal line up of which pays first be altered to get medicare to pay first unless coded for collection from the primaries.
Doesn't any one know anymore it is a crime to steal? Especially form the people's monies? And its a crime for govt contractors to coerce petients to go along with the fraud in order to get medical care to stay alive? I can't! and Its put my life into a real DEATH PANEL! Money stolen by these unaccountable govt 'Partners" means less money for all of our health care and more patients placed in front of these 'DEATH PANELS.'
Linda Joy Adams 12/26/13

Linda Joy Adams said...

UPDATE; now we know that the HIPPAA law never covered a government contractor since the law was passed in 1999. And all three of my health plans are government contracts now. FECA became so in the COUP of 2002. Fed bllues and medciare not under it either. Real governemtn employees are under law similar and in some cases even more strict then HIPPAA. A lot of time was asted because Blues employees were not even aware of this facr. and what always happens is the rank and file think they will be helpful and my file keeps going up the hierarchy to the top where they do know its not ahd my rights are denied me.
Most do not even konow and this has been he deadly secret since the COUP OF 2002 that there is no real government and the international cabal in charge who owns Lynn Blodgett their hired head for the USA, have allowed most to have some rights or the "GIG" WOULD HAVE BEEN UP YEARS AGO.
Most in Congress in 2002 and most since have been conned by a few in Congress who tricked them all and its time to put the real government back in charge while we still have some semblance of a nation left and constitution that is to give us rights, and been shredded badly plus one can unravel a leading cause of death in this cabal obstructing medical care, and research in the USA
First is getting others to even believe what has occurred and that is not easy as its a murky trail of filings and laws done away with .
The biggest con was fooling member of Congress to gag themselves so they cannot mention a contractor, contact one or have one testify at a hearing. for me and mine is the horrendous task of staying alive and with livelihood when there is no government to stop the on gong criminal activity on our file, data and rights. and one man, Lynn Blodgett is named by several high level officials in writing and verbally as the one lying and withholding our files and data from those who would do the work and end this overthrown government. One man defying 38 federal agency judges as he is the law, congress, and holds powers even the president does not have as he cannot even be impeached. Congress voted it in in the COUP OF 2002.
Linda Joy Adams 8/10/16