
Saturday, May 5, 2018

DAILY RECAP 5/4/18-5/5/18 Warning of NIbiru's (Jupiter's) arrival? Revelation Chapter 12 star map of 9/23/17 ?

Urgent! NASA Has Just Been Caught in a Huge Lie, and We Are in Serious Trouble! It Is Time To Pray Like Never Before! (Video/Photos) | Prophecy

   See my comment to the article linked of another  opinion that interprets the end time signs up above.. us... and  none may be wrong as all may be true as Biblical passages  have multiple meanings as part of the language promotes this..  I. E.  as it was then,  is now and will be .. as "history repeats it self" as we say in  our times.   We do not learn to make good choices as we ignore the history and consequences of actions of our ancestors and how to prevent such horrors they allowed themselves to get into. and be deceived by lies from the leaders. designed to create fear and keep themselves in power and over all.   as they   abused the authority they were given over the people by will , strength or votes . of he people   and keep getting ourselves in worse and worse situation... is another way to share this meaning and for those who have any faith ... it is a last chance for salvation of ones eternal soul.. and those making bad choices for their lives , and others and world need to reflect on what they can do to make things better and stop the evils that have gotten control of us and our nations and world 

    I will make his brief as do to a lot of events that were not good I cannot get a liquid oxygen tank filled until Monday and have only a minimal amount to get through so am laying still to conserve energy and oxygen ... as although  approved for life by three health plans including Medicare. I have been denied service by the two companies in my areas under orders of this cabal  since 2008 now who will not process my claims at all. and many are laying unprocessed for over a decade under this cabal now.  and the only way to survive is take a 200 lb tank to the gas companies that will still sell to paints with a prescription and pay our of pocket..   and many are staying alive all over the USA doing this now.. as Lynn Blodgett et al in total control of all health care since 2002 act of congress for no oversight of contractors. now ruling..  and little oversight in recent decades before that... too many millions have died with the illegal things  going on and no govt to turn to for help as they are not allowed to stop real devastating crimes which is also stealing trillions for the public treasury ..*concentrators emit low levels of ozone and in 10 minutes the inflaming has fluid on my lungs and a life threatening situation .. if you can tolerate  you are fortunate but millions cannot and too many have already died over this. 

    My prayers for the  person who had a emergency and had tot leave his work Friday  and the persons or circumstances that caused him to leave..  May it be resolved with better health and or circumstances.  and pry for my survival and all those millions like me in a real life and death struggle that has little to do with having health ins, but who is running things and its NO GOVT AT ALL THAT IS ..


        Dell is still denying they created and sold me what seems to be Google's prototype  to have their toolbar and sharing app available again for all beyond windows 7 after 2020    for the future back in  2014 in my lap top as shared before . how did Dell get it and now that Microsoft is beginning updates as of 2/18 it cannot get it done in my system  sold me as its not to be there yet?? I got sold stolen property is what Dell employees is saying. and one made me understand this better today from the executive resolution center. SO I PAY FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT THAT CANNOT BE HAD AS of 2/18 due to  MICROSOFT NOT TOLD WHAT THIS IS THAT IS A CHANGE TO WINDOWS SOFTWARE.    AND GOOGLE IS SHOCKED I HAVE THIS THAT CAN PUT A SEARCH ENGINE  ON WINDOWS 7 BUT THE  SYSTEM  BE 10 ?? AND COME IN EVERY OTHER DAY AND UNASSEMBLED MY PROGRAMS AND NEVER GETS IT ALL QUITE BACK RIGHT.?  . and now what.. As I have what 40 % of the world still on windows 7 want? to be able to easily blog.. as that was gone with windows 8,8.1 and 10..... I was getting my e mail on both ways in the same systems and its in several devices and desktops, etc.  now.. over the last 4 years. I have no idea how many others Dell did this for.. but I would not have upgraded beyond 7 either if they have not done this custom design and now Dell says it was not that but a theft of another's property that did not work for Dell??   I AM JUST REPEATING WHAT DELL HAS BEEN TELLING ME FOR 4 MONTHS NOW AND  WORSE IS TRYING TO DENY IT WAS SOLD ME.. AND I HAVE IT AND NO COURT OF LAW SAYS I SHOULD GIVE IT BACK AS I BOUGHT IT FROM DELL AND NO COURT SAYS THEY DID NOT CREATE THIS..   AND EXPECT CONTINUED TECH SERVICE AS PAID FOR WHAT WAS SOLD ME..   and none will contact their own  Dell attorney and get the right patents and contract deals signed.?. on this and let the blogger of the world have it and all makes lots of money and I stop being harassed over it and make no money for space rented in my systems   there are some nice techs at Dell who have been called liars  for all the witnesses of them -seeing this in my system for 4 years and helping me and as recent as early 3/18 when I said not to add it to Google chrome when he began to to do it

     Its like an attack from all angles to keep on sharing my own personal well documented personal  life events. so that others might take what I have done to stay alive to their doctors and stay alive also.  in these  tribulation times . and my family is praying for resolution and may have to buy another tank so that my new credit card with 0 interest for awhile  may have to be used to save my life and not for some household repairs and organic paint which is expensive to repaint for the first time in over 20 years.

   Fortunately  I had not used up the credit yet.   so blessings  are around even in times of darkness.

And pray for healing and blessings for all in need now..   In the name of Yahusha who most Christians call Christ Jesus. AMEN   and for other faiths or none    pray as you wish and/ or think good thoughts of the Divine  Love of all 


                                              PICTURE BIBLE IN THE HEAVENS

   I left a comment to the article linked and its intriguing concept as it might lead to an interpretation of THE PLANET NIBIRU MANY SAY EXISTS BUT I HAVE NOT SEEN IT YET... as being the Jupiter that goes into the beast swamp of the multi headed hydra we now call Scorpio   since the Tower of Babel and the ancients terms for a Picture Bible got hanged into terms for the fertility goddess mystery religion which seems to be the one all WILL HAVE FOR A ONE WORLD RELIGION AND IS VERY OPPOSE OF CHRISTIANITY AND MOST OTHER WORLD RELIGIONS  THAT HAVE A SIMILAR MORAL CARING  CODE OF ETHICS.      

   But Christ left us with a promise that He would not let what is coming destroy all  as it did in  Noah's flood and what happened the last time which was about the time of   SODOM AND GOMORRAH DESTROYED ? if this is an accurate 3600 year event and not a planet that alters its cycle?? like a maverick? ... if this is a real thing  and  has a cycle of 3600 years then we would have human history that tells of massive  destructive disasters....  and n the Bible are such. but are the numbers the right times?/ and why the star map of Revelation 12 is crucial for us to know when its near for what events both physical and spiritual?

All! Keep on sharing on the information highway as this is serious thought going on by many . to figure out what we are being warned to be prepared for in our physical  world as well as spiritual being.  .


                                      REVELATION CHAPTER 12 FF VERSE BY VERSE


                         REVELATION CHAPTER 13 VERSE 1

"Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name."

    ( the first beast is the new world order that has nearly engulfed the world now and govts serve it and not the people as its overthrown the govts of the people and official leadership.   as has occurred in  the USA official since 2002.  This seems to indicate that we  as the people will not get our act together and be fooled into not  all voting ad electing those who serve us but serve this cabal and soon the official leadership of the world will  fall to this beast system as their minions take the official positions as we are in real danger this year of another overthrow which is not back to the servants of the people being elected but the puppets of this cabal of evil intenders.   not that many of them have not already held office all govr and let this cabal get control of our data, and records and rights of all and not acted to stop it.. but  not all were like that and too many just gave up  rather than stand up against it..  & seems to be the economic  7 nations that come form the seas which is most of the area of the planet earth   and the whole planet has already been divided up by various terrible trade deals and its a multi headed monster over all now.  and soon one head will rise up over all put in power by all of the official leadership of the world and that seems to be the anti Christ as is named elsewhere? 

   Is there ever a time when the people of the world need to exercise their civil duties and vote and even run for offices at all levels as this is getting worse and worse and at present there is still a semblance of govt trying to stop this criminal element in some way but when the last vestige to even try is removed than none will have any place to hide or escape from it.  EUROPE HAS ALREADY SEEN AN INVASION  AND ITS NOT REFUGEES TRYING TO ESCAPE HORRORS. BUT TOO MANY INTENT ON AN OVERTHROW INSTEAD.... of all the money this cabal has stolen from the USA treasury we could have fed, and housed and provided for the whole world of those in need. and ended any of this cabal 's attempt to create wars to control the masses with horrors. of them.

       The new world order of Christ is coming of a heaven on earth when we learn to not be fooled any more by a few who sound good and filled with even intent instead. 


                                SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY 

HAGGAI CHAPTER 1 VERSE 2;  "Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying, This people say, the time is not come the time that the Lord's house should be built."

   So true that too many have fear that to set up places of worship especially on the temple mount in  Jerusalem  would cause consternation and uprising when if the experts are right; NOTHING IS ON THE SITE OF THE TEMPLE MOUNT AT ALL since 70AD   and the mosque is on the fill dirt that Herod  created for the Roman Garrison to be higher then the Temple Mount as most military forts were for sight of the area   but a real wake up call that none should lose their faith over if he walling wall is not at the Temple but at the site of the Roman Garrison..  The Almighty will forgive and hear our sincere prayers any where..  but it is in the general vicinity of he holiest site on earth for nearly the whole world.  for  50 years the nations of the world have had fear to recognize the capitol of Israel as they do  for other nations and have their embassies in the place of the capitol of sovereign nations   Its was feat and lack of faith that kept Israel in the desert for another 40 years and not go move into the land of their ancestors when the Giants had come and inhabited it and  the GIANTS WERE AFRAID OF THE GOD OF THE HEBREWS  WHO DID NOT  UNDERSTAND THAT THE WHOLE WORLD  HAD MORE FAITH IN THE REAL POWER OF THEIR GOD THEN THE PEOPLE  DID  as HE IS THE GOD OF ALL OF CREATION...  after 400 years of indoctrination of worship of a human as a god..   that kept them in bondage of their own fear. and forgetting the teaching of old  that no human is a god and not to be worshiped and none have to be enslaves by such a maser of trickery over others to believe lies of those in control so they can keep control.     The masses have always been more than a few  in power who abuse that power.. but fear stops them from relying on the Almighty to save them from themselves and its not always wars and uprising that lead to  freedom either.. )
    I repeat the prayer above to not be afraid of what is ahead as walk the path  of good choices and be led by the spirit of the one of good.. in  Yahusha whom we  Christians call Christ Jesus .Amen!
Linda Joy Adams 5/5/18

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