
Friday, October 13, 2017


Trump Just Blasted The Secret Nazi Hidden System That's Ruled The World For 70 Years= Back To It's Cave (Video) | Alternative  SEE MY COMMENT TO THE ARTICLE LINKED OF THE USA PULLING OUT OF UNESCO AND MORE  cabal of the  USA COUP OF 2002 over that at the UN??

When a group does not reflect our beliefs  and will not change, then we have to pull out and do the good things on our own or with others. seems to be the only way to stay true to our souls and eternal life. But congress will not let the President of the USA stop the real crimes being committed by our own CONTRACTORS RUNNING THINGS SINCE THE VOTE OF CONGRESS IN 2002 WITH NO ACCOUNTABILITY TO ANY ONE BUT ITSELF.. AND NOW NEARLY THE WHOLE WORLD IS UNDER IT.  A USA PRESIDENT CAN ONLY SPEND WHAT CONGRESS SAYS HE OR SHE CAN.. AND ITS LIMITED TO  THE LAWS ALREADY PASSED TO WORK WITH.   if any thing was to be done for health care for next year, he had to act now as if there are new regulations they are to be published for 60 days in the Federal Register for public comments etc. 

  Its time all go back to high school govt class in the media and find out what each branch of govt can or cannot do... and help get the whole truth out and stop saying the govt did this or that which was bad as the govt has not been in charge of much of anything  since the  COUP OF 2002 BY VOTE OF CONGRESS SIGNED INTO LAW BY PRES GEORGE W BUSH AND PRES OBAMA MADE MANY THINGS WORSE NOT BETTER ... AT LEAST PRES TRUMP SEEMS TO BE TRYING .. TO SERVE US.   

   Ask or the name of the contractors and do a little searching and find out who really owns that company .. not easy and why we need the SEC to have the authority again be able  to help the agencies figure out who is who and who that owns what as its all rune out to be one big cabal and no one not tin the evil new world order is wanted who is ethical and honest and public service minded.   is the current outcome.  ANTI TRUST LAWS HAVE BEEN SHREDDED IN ALL OF THIS.. BY CONGRESS IN THE COUP OF 2002.  

Linda Joy Adams 10/13/17

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