
Tuesday, September 20, 2016


(PNN) PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network: Mike Zullo on the Trump/Obama/Clinton Birthergate! "This Changes Nothing"   see my comment posted now to the article. and as the title says. TRUMP CAN FIND OUT NOW OF THE BIRTH OF PRESIDENT OBAMA IN TOPEKA KS.  ITS WHAT THOSE OF US WISHING FOR THE HEALING OF THE SOME REAL EVIL OF THE PAST CAN BEGIN BY JUSTICE BEING SERVED FOR VICTIMS OF LYNCHINGS.

        Slavery it a human evil , but it has existed off and on in human history for all known time.

But worse than the enslavement of another human , is the absolute evil of lynching, in more recent times, and crucifixion in the time of Christ.

    I am one who is against the death penalty. For if one innocent , like Christ is put to death ,then we as humanity bear that blood guilt. Christ over come death to set us free. But not all have chosen that freedom and continue to take lives of others in ways  those who do it may find it hard to receive mercy when they appear in the FINAL COURT OF JUDGEMENT DAY .

    Those whose intentions are pure in wishing to save lives by taking one, may find their sin of taking life forgiven by their repentant hearts.

     When we cover up evil, we are doomed to have it keep surfacing. And the bombing and other terrorists committing in the name of Allah is just another manifestation of the same evil that has never been bound as we reused to face the evil and over come it and never allow it to surface again. Jihadists today , just as the KKK of past erasin a perversion of Christianity and the Nazis of WWII in the perversions of an ancient cult and every other group that has demonstrated the worse evil choices a human can make, can be stopped before it gets to that level ....if we face it , recognize it and never let it grown into such ever again. Christ calls us ot overcome evil in the Book of Revelation, and if we do not the warning is clear of horrendous devastation and loss of life. ITS OUR CHOICE AND ITS PAST TIME TO MAKE THE CHOICE FOR LIFE. In the name of Yahusha whom we Christians call Christ Jesus , may Life BE CHOSEN TO  overcome death forever and ever AMEN

Linda Joy Adams 9/20/16

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