
Friday, February 26, 2016

Daily RECAP 2/26/16: POLITICAL FIGHT NIGHT TO AVOID ISSUE of USA ROBBED? President Obama Born in Topeka Ks , son of Jim T Parks

The Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Protects Consumers and Taxpayers by Combating Health Care Fraud PThe Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program Protects Consumers and Taxpayers by Combating Health Care Fraud    This is a Press Release from the Government that sounds of if something is being done to stop the 'stealing of America." Do not be fooled for nothing has changed, The partners are still stealing Medicare as some notices came from recent medical visits of myself and family members on my Fed Blues which is  primary to Medicare by law, employer posting from the US Department of Labor and even Medicare judges including an appellate judge.
   And government has no access to know any of this huge thefts on many patients  files are being hacked to allow stealing as they have no idea the system has not been secure in any way for over a decade now, NO ONE IN THE GOVT IS ALLOWED TO CHECK TO SEE IF THE SYSTEMS WE, THE PEOPLE PAID FOR ARE EVEN PROGRAMMED AND BEING USED.?
   How many in Congress etc. have taken the modern form of bribery which is often very subtle and unlike just money in a brown paper bad anymore? Agencies do not even ask for budget! And I have found what looked like family members with good jobs with one of Lynn Blodgett's companies  among those who can influence who gets contracts or stop any one questioning what is occurring .
     And Congress does not make sure they have it to investigate the partners of the government which is not the ones who run the government so should the President and Congress and all the government employees go home as  they are not in charge and not over seeing that all is being done legally?  We have some of them with close family members employed by Lynn Blodgett or his interlocked partners.
     So going through the list of whom to vote for? Is there any one not connected to this cabal that will represent US? The disconnect between what laws and policies are passed, which often seem OK, are being ignored by the contractor and no one in the government knows they are not following the laws and polices? If they do , they should be investigated and  possibly prosecuted?.
Candidates say there are too many regulations: But the contractors are making up what they want them to be... so adding to or subtracting some regulations is meaningless. as its  being ignored anyway. Congress has to stop gagging itself! and do the job we asked them to do. They have to investigate the contractors to find out why the laws they passed are not being carried out!! They used to do this and if the laws do not work , amend or replace them with ones that do. Respect those who do the work whether in the government or now in the contractor.
     One candidate from Florida just got accused of a lobbyist for a big contractor buying his house for a super inflated price and works for one of the largest contractor in Florida.  ISN'T THAT LYNN BLODGETT?
 Yet the media will not name the company, yet will make the allegation!!!! against a presidential candidate.? I have read of indications  that he was with a law firm  who was theirs for them???Of course most business today has contracted with Lynn Blodgett and  his cabal so its up the last free press on the Internet to try and find out. And  that means sorting through opinions , truth and some very distorted truths as well as blatant lies.  I name Lynn Blodgett as he is named by many high level officials and is in defiance of 38 federal agency judges on my cases alone in multiple agencies. Which he gets and refuses to give to the agencies as he control s the data of the people and their government now in nearly every level. They can not obey any judges without the person's data and /or files.
      Contractors can decide if they wish to obey or not.... as they have been made unaccountable by Congresses who got duped or some intentionally among them tricked they others in to "GIVING AUTHORITY TO THE BEAST SYSTEM" and starting the rampant progress of LAWLESSNESS. If we are truly in the END TIMES AS MANY PREACHERS SAY, then this describes what we read of in our Bibles and other faith books.  But if not, its a perfect trial run for it.
              My faith says that through Yahusha, whom we  Christians call Christ Jesus we were created with free will. So all prophecy is a warning to change our behavior or this OR THAT WILL OCCUR.  W hat are we doing to change the path from the one of destruction we have got our feet on ?
     Media give us the facts! You have it. You know who bought a house as its a matter of public record. Say so> if you think there is something untoward that occurred/

Now Celerian Group , one of the claims payers, under his direction,  is refusing to process oxygen claims, just as all  Fed Blues has done for 2 years now and FECA has not done since the over throw of the government into the control of an international cabal now under the control  of President Lynn Blodgett as is nearly every phase of our data and records and control from local government to the state and  federal..  Since 2002 the Partners of the government cannot be criminally investigated nor even internally audited. ( The Defense department got some budget) and has prosecuted some bad contractors, but many more not yet stopped or made accountable.)
   But the sham of a press release sounds as if everything is fine and a few billion got recovered from some doctors, etc who cheated the taxpayer. is a small amount of the thefts.... according  to what has gone on by the 500 witness who helped document, it. A small amount that is being skimmed and scammed and blatantly stolen form the health care budgets of all of now as all of us are under  government, even private or employer policies. and the scam artists that stole so much, mean that the contractor did not have the controls in side their organization to catch it sooner. If they were not part of the scam to start with, but as contractors, only the ones outside got prosecuted???   .

All under one man's control from every conflicting end with 150 companies that are owned and interlocked with the same entity. Being President of Xerox Management services  is only a title of one who has much under him . And the SEC can do nothing either as CONGRESSES PAST AND PRESENT HAVE ALLOWED NO MONEY TO BE SPENT TO INVESTIGATE AND OR EVEN AUDIT GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS,   A real Audit is not just  reviewing the report the 'crook' gives one to read , etc.  SOURCE: DIRECTOR OF OIGS, JUSTICE DEPT AND FBI  AND US ATTORNEYS'  several years ago when  I got evidence of the 17 phony claims numbers created on me by the parent company of Celerian Group. Which was done   to steal  $ 4 million turning every claim of mines in to 17 and debited form the Medicare  and sent to the Federal reserve to send to medical providers who only got one pay, and that was in correct as Medicare is and never has been primary due to Federal Workers comp under Lynn Blodgett not positing my file when they took over in 2002  and another million disappeared per head for many in a "suspected embezzlement OPM Director. with no budget to save the lives of injured federal workers being illegally dumped on to Medicare who had established claims  and permanent medical benefits already.  Monies last seen at this bank? re his own employees.... so oxygen claims do not get processed and blocks timely payment even by Medicare as its on a security lock under the 1988 labor for all kinds of workers comps. and horror stores of deaths as suppliers will not take injury patients as they will not get paid for a year when finally Medicare can bill. and then recovery is not done as Lynn Blodgett will not show the letters to the government officials to expose what he is doing and his partners at Group Health who facilitates the theft and then covers up the non recovery of monies, etc. as his interlocked partner they take his verbal word as to what to do or not do.... as he has that total dictatorial power. to do the hacking and deleting and its blatant intentional crime and deadly threat to life.
ITS THAT BAD AND I AM UNDER VERBAL ORDERS "Let her die"  This is when I began blogging on advice of one of the biggest attorney's in DC. I am not the only one, but many have yet to even know what has happened to them and what is going on. One can have a 'dream team of legal counsel  and  THEY CAN NOT HELP AS  the case is approved and judges are defied. WE ARE IN AN OVERTHROWN GOVERMENT AND  many are just now being affected to know. We feds were the 'canary in the cage'  No one helped us, and now the wrath of this horrible inhumanity has been perpetrated on every one along with wars and blatant thievery and atrocities I run into every day and all I have is this blog to share and pray others will VOTE AND TRY TO FIND THOSE WITH THE COURAGE TO STAND UP FOR US and our NATION.  Vote in all elections, and do your best, as its all I can do. But our presence is the "power of the people" in this. And big money can not over power our votes if   that statistical 95%participate.  And keep it up for 10 years as we may need to FIRE SOME WHEN THEY ASK TO BE REELECTED.
 WE FEDS GOT IT FIRST AND NOW ALL GOT IT AS YOU ALL GOT TOLD HOW GREAT OUR BENEFITS WERE. ONLY ON PAPER!!! and other evidence 'good enough to get a search warrant ; if any law enforcement was allowed to serve it, Takes gas in the cars, etc if nothing else and salaries, etc. BUDGET needed .

          Good companies can no longer compete for these contracts as how can they underbid when they are not planning to steal from the people and do business?

       So all our doctors and their medical providers, suppliers,and pharmacists are in trouble and patients are getting overpaid as ALL MUST USE THE PRIVATELY OWNED BILLING SYSTEM CALLED THE COMMON WORKING FILE THAT IS HACKED BY AN ILLEGAL SYSTEM TO MAKE MEDICARE PRIMARY  soon after ones employer posts the info on insurance and employment status  so that workers comp which is already approved for life for 100% coverage  has the wrong injury date so bills get overlooked etc. and diagnosis codes deleted also. but the Dept. of Labor system is secure and they have been unable to hack that coverage.  Its just ignored , per verbal instructions from their managers under  Lynn Blodgett who has control of every part of any of this .              Our good doctors are getting crushed under it and several of mine have retired who were highly respected in their fields.
  The exception  of being able to by pass workers comp is for oxygen its part of the security lock and will not let others pay as its FECA's BILL and most do not know this even at suppliers. ..for my bills. And Fed Blues, another primary for me and is the one for family members on my ignored or deleted as they are able to delete the employer group health plan AS our data and medical records  are in a MEDICARE SYSTEM THAT HAS NOT BEEN SECURE SINCE  2002.

Owned by Group Health, now emblem Health International as nearly all of our health insurers are now international and most of the work paying claims, etc. is contracted out to Lynn Blodgett's cabal  and his brothers. and WHO IS HIS BOSS?


And the govt will not be the one to get it? but this cabal and the people of the world will have no semblance of privacy and have no way to stop misuse of the info obtained on each one of us. THEY DO NOT NEED A SEARCH WARRANT AS THEY ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAWS OF THE LAND NOR OUR US CONSTITUTION. that has been well documented for 17+ years when I found it started.

             So which candidate is fighting for the government contractors stealing from us and who is standing up for the people and our US Constitution and our rights and stop the thieves as any other thief is subject to our laws. who steal far less.  Is this what all the 'fight night ' debat4es really are. some TRYING TO DIVERT OUR ATTENTION AWAY FROM DISCUSSING HOW TO STOP THE ROBBING OF THE USA?
 Left seedlings out tonight as its not suppose to get that cold. And warner tomorrow. so will be nice to get outside again.
Linda Joy Adams 2/26/16

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