
Thursday, January 30, 2014


Senate approves Obama-pick McCarthy to head EPA CLICK THE LINK TO Sec Mccarthy who was on a conference call with me last night.

   I am very exhausted as Rotech teh exclusive  supplier of liquid oxygen complant dept sent  a letter giving  a list of all those who porvided liquid oxygen   in the area. We called; none do. They just pulled the Medicare list for oxygen which  is flale as it does not separate liqiud frmm ozone emitting concentrators. One needs oxygen to live and all are sent on a wild goose chase with a list that is a lie.

   CMS will not just say, you live her and you have one choice and if they want you to die, you die. TELL THE TRUTH!THIS IS DEATH PANEL CREATED IN 1/08/

 One may that will call me back, but they are not in this competitive bid area, being  over 90 miles away. We can talk tomorrow, but I have no address in the Ardmore area. Whether they would meet my husband somewhere or not to fill tnaks twice a month, I don't know. Could see all kinds of issues over doing something like, this. Or would  have to drive  400 miles a month to get tanks filled at their store.

      I learend Rhema in Sherman doesn't even have a store here  any more and maybe that is why they don't seem to be servicing any one with liquid oxygen?  although they got the low bid contract. All the govt health plans are indciating they are going to follow suit on this.exclusinve company to decide if one has the right to live.or one dies sooner breathing  ozone which  all are selling. I got little coperation when I asked each to send me an e mial or letter as to why they could not order and sell me and impty liquid oxygen tnak. Same answer form all, Medciare wont allow it. And I wonder if ther isn;t already some litigaton already started aginst the manjfacturer o the oxygen concentrators. One can;t even get a safty data sheet with one now. either.  .This very bad.... and more hardhip ot the smaller ocmpanies if this occurs...probably already has somewhere. I prefer th old green tnaks but the liquid is not so compressed in them and takes more and twice as expensive to get it that way.

I got misquoted in the letter as I hI had said LIncare now owns Rhema -Rotech. Anything to make me look as if I didn't know what I wass saying...  by them as if I had said Lincare which  is Lindegas out of Germenay owned Rotech as they are in bankruptcy  court. . NO. I DIDN't! I have    said they had gone for financing  to keep float form the same financier of Lincare and is in ther SEC documents. available online and posted hereo ver the past few years. I  have said, I would not be surprised to see the two merge and then Lincare has it all in my area and CEO Lynn Blodgett will not let them bill Federal workers comp first and wait  to never get an answer ; then go to the other health plans. . 

   HR 1063 is needed to be iemplernted to save my life nd overs' lives.

   One  other on ther list is out of business and naother only supplies cpac machinees for sleep apnea and not oxygen.( they might be on the list as they ight sell the adopater for oxygen to attach to the cpac machine for patients that use both.  The capricous attitiude against those trying to stay alive is horrific. If one is old and disabledna d woman mkes it triple hard to over come rampant discrimenation as if we have no ability to know anyting about anything. Yet have years of education and experince in the fields.  Chirst usually did not give a list of sins. as Paul does in the Bible. But he did speak against oe major one. ARROGANCE and often  other sins are committed de to that over reaching one. One does not have to be a Christian to appreciatet he general wisdom of his teachings.

   They all said what We ahd already been told. MEDCIAREWILL NOT ALLW THEM TO SELL AN EMPTY tank either which  could be special ordered as any other piece of epuipment?  FREE MARKET HAS BEEN DONE AWAY WITH WHERE MEDCIRE AND OTHER INSURERS GIVE A PRICE LIST AND ALL WHO WANT TO SELL CAN  AS ANY OTHER RETAL BUSINESS IN THE USA...I have to go through a supplier for insurance to pay 100%. 

     I found out none take any kind of workers cmop and got the same story from all of them  even  about state workers comp. Is that why there are no pulmonologists either who take it either in this region? There patients will die as prescirptions can't get filled even with the ozone emitters? ANOTHER HORROR IS BEING REVEALED  TO ME WITH PATIENTS DEAD AND DYING. CAN IT GET ANY WORSE IN THIS NATION?

   Many federal workers comp laws also apply  to states. The  same law that once oxygen is approved for life, one gets the permnanet medical to prevent loss of life is being turned on its head at the state level , too.. So NONE CAN GET IT. as the  claims  will never be answered ( or even allowd to be sent  in, whihc is illegal...and  I understand that much of the states have contracted out their programs too now or they are insurance  companies interlocked with deals with ACS-Xerox also.

 HR 1063 WILL SAVE LIVES AND ITS OVER A YEAR AND NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.  CEO  LYNN  BLODGETT  WOULD BE ORDERED TO INPUT MY 14 YEARS OF PENDING OXYGEN CLAIMS ( his staff says woud be paid if entered)AND STOP FORBIDDING COMPANIES TO  BILL  SO THAT THEY CAN GET AN ANSWER. Many of the companies did not understadn that if workers comp did not nsers as most have peneidng cliams  too, they onlyhave to wiat a few weeks and then go ahead and s ask for payment form the pateints other health plans r medicare as ALl ABout Mobility did on me. and got 100% paid only to have then forced out of business in 1/08  wth a regulation  saying they had to hire a respiratory technicians in order to exchange a tank of liqid oxygen which  they could have under bid the .big companies.  They don't need one for a concentrator. Those who must have the liquid, usually are up against some liaiblity insurer where there has been a major disaster and ones mucous membrane is damaged or burned off as mine was and one can't tolerate minute amounts of an iriratant gas.  and they would  rather we die sooner to get out of paying  for our long term chonic  illness bills and just have to pay a small sitpend to any survivor  that might be able to get one. 

 ALL THEIR AT ACS-XEROX  HAVE SAID if the o2 bills were input they would be paid AND THEN THEY WOU LDHAVE TO PAY AL LOF MY BILLS-- is this also trie as i learned today on all others with state workers comp cases and why none will take workers comp as claims will not get input because they woudldbe paid, too?  ISn"t this what is to happen when one has an establihsed case pay the medcial bills. that go with the medcial treatemtn stadnards for ones injury?  AND was the  missing million dollars tha tpassed through for me and others on the old cases  when ACS took over virtual  control  was for needed special handling  and ACS jsut pocketed the money andl eft us all to die? No one cares about justice for all, least of all injured workers?


     FDA  has allOwed this to go on and to discrImintae agiAnst tHose with toxic and chemical  injuries. They are like this with not only ozone emtting concentrators as being good for one with breathing problems as well as  like this all through their programs including excluding us from  clincal trials  on drugs so our adverse reacitons to many of them is not documented either. and everyone thinks everything is fine and we are 'left to die'. Its a complex and insiduous put together obstruction of medical care for those injured from toxins and chemicals and the only reason? is  to allow them to keep on injuring with no precsutions for safty and getting out of paying any damaage claims. when people get injured.  Even worse is treatments are known to keep people alinve for decdes like, me injured 25 years ago. And there is hope for  even partial cures if the cover ups and obsstructions of care don't prevent us from learning what they might be  With CFC's pulled form our inhalers., only life threiting alternatives are now avialbe. Mydoctor have gone to compounding. using the bubble water cup attached to my liquid oxygen tank as the inhaler. Please ask your doctor about this if the meds out there casue reactions. There are no warning lales for us for the most part. If one calls the pharmaceutucal compnaies thy will tell the patiens if somethng isin them one reacts to. One needs to know  and its getitng harder to get tested in any way today as the obstructions are getitng worse all the time.

                                          CONFERENCE CALL WTH EPA HEAD GINA MCCARTHY

    I had been calledd to join in a conference call with others  aournd the nation with Sec of EPA McCarthy and also former Director Jackson was on there too with  a gentleman  from the Naitonsl Environmental Defense fund. I get their newsletter on line. It was a breathe of fresh air to have her speak about the irritating effects of ozone on the lungs and about asthmas,etc great harm it can do... PROBLEM  IS FDA IS NOT GOING ALONG WTH YOUR TRUTH  whiich is very real. But EPA says if there is a lot of ozone outdoors, for those with respiratory problems to go inside and  FDA says turn on you oozone emitting oxygen concentrator and ozone emitting air purifers and breathe in lots of 'good'  of good ozone to make yourself healthy. ITS NOT HEALTHY AND FDA MUST EITHER BAN ALL OF THESE AS THEY ONCE WERE GOING TO DO OVER A DECADE AGO OR MAKE THE MANUFACTURERS FIX THEM SO THE OZONE IS VENTED DIRCTLY OUTSIDE TO ADD TO THE OZONE ALREADY OUT THERE?  One should not have to breathe in 6% ozone or more in order to get some oxygen in their lungs as most concentrators do not  even give a therapeutic dose of it.

   SO  one CABINET Sec says its good and anther says its bad and the patients and doctors and all the rest of us are caught in the cross fire of opposing agencies and the influences that have influence on them and they are not the same groups., are they?  Those not injured often do not understand how painful and life  threatening it can be for lungs to get inflammed and if it continues bleeding , infection and death. Ozone is bad. Those that say it is good are BAD FOR US!

 Special intersts group have gotten hold of both agencies and they are at war with each other. What ever one belives about cilmate change; one fact is real. Cllean  ai is healthier than polluted air. For me its very serious.

 Whn one has a toxic or chemical expossure often our mucous  membranes get burned off or dmamged as mine did  and then one cannot tolerate even parts per billon of ozone or other things that irritate and its not always the same for all. . "We"  speak of parts  per billion to case inflmamation. as we don't  still have that 'protective barrier the Almighty created us with to protect our selves from irritating elemets that can get in the air we breathe..

I did not get a chanve to ask a quseton, and just listened. All over the USA, there are toxic diasasters occurring. And my concern about  the KEY STONE   pipe line is safety for our water supply as somehow someone doesn't watch as they should and a spill or diasster is allowed to occur. We cannot allow this to occur. I was never in favor of  huge nuclear  plants as none couldever assure us they knew what to do with the waste and still don't. Now many of those are a threat to our very existence on this planet.

 We have to do better to protect our very lives on this planet,. Rights  now its all we have to sustain life now and in the near future. Any massive exodus to Mars or Cere or Europa if it can be lived on are far in the future and we have to survive as a hman family until we can begin populating the universe which  we have been blessed to have with all kinds of possible plaecs to lvie at some future time.

    I am a polka dotted political person. And depending on the issue, I may be on one side or the other. On the enviroumanet I am realistic that we have to be able to breathe ciean air and have clean water to drink or we all die. I chosoe to live and want everyone else to also. Somehow the rich and powerful few think they are invincible and will always have enough for themselves. They may not either if they do not use care and prudence and get off the fossil fuels  and  work toward cleaner  energies.

   Even nuclear never had to be  huge plants. For almost 50 years Kansas State University had a small nuclear raector on camputs  that provided power to 30,000 students and was considered safe enough I even toured the  small plant and walked aorund the walk way and looked donwn on the reactor in 1963. But undue interests got us into  these huge  planst that could cause a  lot of harm to thousands and ruin major parts ofthe planet  if something went wrong and  has done so..too often and now they are wearing out and no one made any provisions for the future when they did...

   We've allowed our leaders to not prepare for the future generations. Do some think we are to sit and do nothing to take care of this universe and some rapture may occur to take us somewhere else. I believe in the Rapture, but I also believe we are responsible for what we do and how we take care of what Creation we are blessed to live on and with.

                                       DOCUMENTING A DEATH PANEL

I got  some reisitance to day from  the list of suppliers who allegedly supplied liquid oxygen and didn't or as to why they couldn't sell a tank. . Most don't want  to think about such things, yet if they got injured as many have they will be in a fight for their lives and could die trying to get medical care as this is worse than I have ever seen it in the 25 years since I was injrued 1/10/89 when I went to work at 2 Jouranl Square 9TH Floor for  HHS in the Social Seuritrty Teleservice center and Hartz Mountain , owner let a toxic clpud envilope us . Its a type of injury that by the time you know its happened its too late to do anything Ones lungs have aged 50 years. as one doctro explained it to me... T

   hen for the cover up and obstruction of medical care has continued in one criminal  way and or anther for all this time since . with no file of miine ieft intact digital or paper in any fedeal agency or govt contractor.  And I was the only one not turned away  initially from the hospital and got the  the necessary testing to get a digonosts of Toxic fume inhalation  as all thought I worked for Part Authority as it got put down on my chart. in error? Often wonder if the ER clierk did not get 'confused' on purpose?  I got separated from my co workers being pre[ared fr admission and proper care when they came ofill out the stse health dept toxic exposure report and found out I was SSA HHS and not Port Authroity and was sent home to die  as all were and back blaled forlife for all of us one doctor later said in Philly who knew all about the situation as many did  know of what had occured. An atroicity against 90 who only went to work one day to help the public as I had done for almost 20 years at the time in one office or another in a varriety of jobs for SSA since  6/68.. .  3rd time back to hospital I had gone into infections and near death for 8 days form the obstruction by a billionaire whose new builidng coudl not have passed city , state or federal ispections for us to even enter it to wrok for the frst time back in 7/88and unkown to us the Jersey City Fire Dept had d already cited the  building  and instead of fixing problems turned off the gas detectors so they would  not come again and evacuate it as unsafe. . The very thing needed to save our lives had been turned off.

                            WHAT TO DO

First help those in the peip line with case to firce change. and if one like me asks for a simple statement Of why you are not being allowed to deliver liquid oxygen , nor even sell me a special ordered new tank and bill insururance. Lets stop the run around of a few powerful  entities that have done nothing but cover up and harrass us  into these death panels allowed to be created.

    95% need to vote in every elelction and keep on for 10 years so we take back the power from those who would end our very lives and have no consciene when they do it. and  so far acocuntable to no one but an ulitmate Divine Judge on Judgement Day. Keep on voitng in every election for 10 years. Don't worry if the one we vote for does not do their job, send that one home and vote in another until those elected know we are their boss. We are asking them to serve us and not a few with great wealth who only have one vote, also.


I pray for PresIDent Obama to address the concerns of those suferRing and dying in this nation at the hands of govt contractors who have gogten out of control INTO REAL LAWLESSNESS.. Today, I have learned of more tragedies going on. Its worse and getiting more so. I know it did not start 1/20/09 but you are the one in charge and you have that pen in your hand to do something if Congress does not act to allow these govt contractors to be criminally  investigated and PLEASE IMPLEMENT HR1063 whiich  would  force 14 yaers of Oxygen cliams to be input at ACS-Xerox as govt contractor who has usurped virtual al control of Federal workers comp and other programs. That  also means ACS-Xerox  Ceo Lynn Blodgett must call  Lincare and Rhema to service and send the rest of their part of claims in and never forbid a filing of a claim and reasonable time and answer to it again  in order to hide a life threatening medical need.    Acs  may have to ask me to resubmit the records for the last of many times redone;  as the appellate judges ordered back in  2/09 and defied to this date.Also saying ask me for the facts of the case as none else has a clue any more what is going on. It appears that its not just true  on my case either.


Linda Joy Adams 1/30/14

1 comment:

Linda Joy Adams said...

ADDENDUM: Its Administrator McCarthy not Sec / But Its still a cabinet room fight. HHS is winning and patient losing. I could not get back in to edit. Have no idea what's going on? 'LInda Joy ADams 1/30/14