
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Daily Recap 1/25/14: Kris Kobach Does't Like Me?: PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS

Pirates of the Medicare Part D Program on ADVANCE for Health Information Professionals CLICK THE LINK TO A ARTICLE THAT ONLY COVERS A PART OF WHAT IS GOING ON.

Recently it has ocme to light that over the last several years those who have dual insurance coverge ( more than one health plan ) Plus special help through state plans now adminsitered by ?supposedly SSA but no one there; knows what to do or has the ability to solve any real problmes and Heairngs has dispapeared to toget judicial ruings, too.  any more as govt contracrtors have usurped total conrtrol of almost everything and when that occurs there's no one to wade through what's going on and get major issues  solved, let alone minor  individual ones. We have a Part D hearing on this pening fo rover 5 eyars and ACS has taken it to digitize it too and its?

In the beginning oo Part D Medicare, those who had a comparable prescription durg plan already in a  health plan a like federla employess and reitress do under their Federal Hth plans, like Federal Blues could elect to choose to not take Part D and if later wished to come in  coudld do so without paying a penaltyas higher  premiunn. We had one sentence in our Fderal Blues conract ( policy booklet) that coordinaton woudldoccur if it was decided to take Parrt D any way. On Parts A and B we pay $0 betwen the two as one picks up all the others co pays and deductibles.We coudl nt findout what that sentence menat andno one else ever knew either we tried to find out from Health iNsruers sold palsn wand codl not tell us what the overage would  be as they had no information either. (Sounds like something getitng repeated right now under ACA?).

 Those inf DC seemd to think that all feds were wealthy' living on off some kind of huge pension.s Most are not and often the pay is samee or less than even Social Security and we pay 1/4 ourr Health ins  preimums and the taxpayer pays the other 3/4th and its stil can be $450 or more a month for a famaily alan if one choses the standard or High option which in our isiuaiton of utter chaos created by internal corruption inside govt conrtractors and a few high level officials; we have no choice but to keep it for flexibility to get medical care as we can go to any preferred provider in the USA. but not oxygen suppiler and that leaves me with the peferred suplpier LIncare not even comng to OK any more and then since they are a sub contractor of ACS-Xerox at Federal workes comp they have been orderd to "let her die' and hiding that I am  still on oxygen; even forbidding  a clims to be sent in  by ACS and free care is not  to be proveided. Any must legally  billl them first in order to go on and bill the others. under conditonal payment for recovery back.

pLus eah of us on my Blues  ther is the Part B Medciare preium to pay and for one is paid by Medicaid.  

I was able to qualitfy for special  help  first but Doyle could not get on with me although his appeal has been pending for several yaers, too. ITS CHAOS as the govt can't work whern there is no trained civil service to make decision any more nor handle appeals with reaosned legal answers. . 

I  got almost total coverge for prescription whihch ere actually already aprpoved by Federall workers comp in the past ( same or similar regimin of drugs) yet ACS 'abandoned me) they will process a claim (other than oxygen)s and not pay referring to a missing  million dollars whiich  ACS must have gotten and pocketed then not posted my file  nor paid my bills as need fr oxygen to live was one of the critieria for this to have occurred. I did not get it directly, if that was to happen to several of us when ACS took over total control of the program. My letters and appeals go unanswered to find out..

 As for Part D cooridnated with FEHB-It was explained to me that I would get the lower of the  two co pays. which  was Part D with special  help as "the doughnut' did not apply to us with speical help which  also included paying the premiums. .Part D appeals go unanswered on what is paid, too and  CMS/SSA 632 against equity and good conscience waviers  on everything as absloutely no one in the govt seems to have a clue what is going on any where.. And gets mad if one asks...too often defaming my character for raising the question..I also file yearly with Federal workes comp and they refer to the missing million, but Medicare has had no recovery provision for Part D for years and still isn't carrying  out the current  laws to do so.from ones primary health plans.whiich medicare is sceondary to both of mine. and for those on my Blues pollicy also.  

Since we do not get any notices when Federal Blues pays on a prescription and not everything ever gets psoted when paid on line with Blues sub  Contractor either... I had no idea that the 'state' program was paying all but the low co pay unitl a few weeks ago. Still don't have a recept that says who is paying what at all and no noticces either as to where to send an appeal on this.....COLLAPSE OF GOVT WHEN NO TRAINED CIVIL SERIVCE TO DO THE PEOPLE'S BUSINESS. .

   And two of us have that special helpl' New appeals needed  to add to a mountain of such we are not pyscially able to get all  down right now....Yet am told, you want to get  medical care  to sustain life then straighten out the govt.. WE ARE TRYING..AND GETTING BLAMED WHEN WE DO NOT SUCCEED.. WITH DEFAMMATION AND WORSE...Until HR 1063 implmented the patient is liable for overpayments when the worng plan pays.. or money is stiolen in your name as occurred to the tune of 4 million on Part B  using an offline "Bernie Madoff" type system and 17 medciare coims numbers created  from my SSN and Dpyle's sas I do have one real one on his ssn. and unkown at aprsent if still going on as phone lines to 1-800 medicare blocked as they  thre are  forbidden to not see fraud anymore let alone fill ou raud reprots as 500 of them did in the past  on me and many others they sad they had found this out on before their CEO found out  after almost 2 years of my dialy calls to track the theft..and stopped seeing fraud when they will see it first as often te patients may jsut have a general quesiotn when they call...and  records are accessed/// ( I cannot get to the truck stop and breathe in the inflamming gas fumes to use a pay phone to call recently since Novatis has taken over but do know they have illegallly not sent paid claims on any of us over to Medicare Secondary Payer Recocvery - govt contractor told by CEO Lynn  Blodgett of ACS  et al not to reover monies back to medicare )from pirmaries. ( Yes same one in multiple  ageincies making files. judges remand orders , et al  and mones diappear, now. since Xerox took over.  Yes, Director of Medicare they are under orders not to let you know,even though they  usually  the first to see  and can print out the hard coieis o fthe theft and General Dynamics taking over for Vangent whom they bough thas not altered violationof their CMS contract at all. that they are torepoert fraud by a parnter direct to you if detected.)  They just say"nothingto do don't listen to lLInda Joy Adams.." Why?

   Most may never understand this is occuring; but since I KNOW from expeerience and training  as my job since 1968,  inclduing investigating Medcicre fraud; w when it was taken serously in every case and stopped before huge amounts like millions or a billion or trillion were puts repsonbsibliity on me unitl the govt deciides to enforces its own laws and so far has not done so in  recent decdes and our healt hcare dollars get diminished in corruption that is theft and not for the medical care for the patients at too many cases. This is  not a victimiless crime  all the way around.Doctors and hospitals,et all are now haing to hrie huge billing servicies, too often also associated with ACS et al to get any kind of payment for servics provided, when with  our modern computer systems there is no reason ones doctor is not paid by the time one leaves the office, then have some real audit controls of systems, etc for accuracy  and prevention of fraud by the few that would steal

   . Almost total govt dutes being contracted out down to the basic clerrical type work has created more layers of beuacracy and red tape than civil ervants could ever have imagined .. Its in our job descriptions: of our jobs ( or other dutes as assigned) It gives fleixiiblity to take employees and assign them to other work to be done if needed without going through a process of contractimg out  each new thing to be done. with an outlay of more money to be given. out salaries are the same, no matter what work we are givin and at the level of expertise for the job level we are in. Also , if a judges ruling or new law or  regulation is given, we can just do it as if well trained it may be new, but not that differnt than what one already has done  without any added  out lay of money as one would have to give with contracting out. ) AND the rights of all get preserved as civil ervants are subject to audits and can make decisions at the level  their job allows( often dteermined by the dollar amount involved ) and those come with appeal rights and its a felony to destroy files either digital or paper, too. and rank and file cicivl ervants can be prosecuted for criinal activiyt if they engage in it. Not like contractors who have been given almost total immunity now as no money allowed to be spent on  investigatians , let alone simple internal audits of those to stop even the most blatant of thefts or violations of constittuional rights. like: What is in the Part D Medicare policy and  what is the coordination of benefits plan with other govt programs or other insuranc?--. A breeding ground for corrupton to take hold and must have occurred with who getting the monies that have diappaeared? Don;t be fooled into some wanting to just have Medicare for all as there is the past missing monies to be found and returned to  whom ever should have had them...AND currently Medcare is being run by the same entities that have been doing all thse things,. A bank robber expects to go to jial if cuaght and oftern is as law enforcemtn goes oafterm them. No one is going afte rthis and thee's a lot more money  than what a robber finds in one bank vault or cash drawer today.

 So for two of  on my Fed Blues policy wher Medciare is not the primary, NOT ONLY THE MONTHLY PREIMIUMS BUT THE ENTIRE COST OF PRESCRIPTIONS  except fot he law co pay we had to pay and already paid for also/ THE  COST OF THE PRESCRIPTIONS  NEEDS TO BE RECOVERD AND WE ARE TO GET A REFUND FOR WE TWO  OF THE SMALL CO PAY  AND MEDICARE FOR THE REST? This has nothing to do with the fact there is no negotiated prices for drugs etither so the rip off has appeared to be unthinkable what has occurred. TAXPAYERS AND THOSE WHO NEED MEDCIAL CARE ALL RIPPED OFF AND CARE IS BEING RATIONED IN VERY SUBTLE WAYS ALL THROUGH THE GOVT CONTRACTED OUT PROGRAMS AS THE GOVT IS NOT IN CHARGE ANY MORE  or not wlling to be so?  Every Director of Medicare forr the last 15 years,  who has tried, gets complaimed about by the 'thieves." So the current one seem to be trying but pray for her success for our monies to get recovered and then spent as they are supposed ot be for all our good medical care our medical professions can give us following medical treatment standards and not rationed standards which  is starting to creep into the sum of things which I have not addreesed here at all.

   One is left ventricle heart failure not gettiing treated  until  one is near death and not when it starts or preventing it from progressing very fast  which  oxygen can prevent as injured or weakened lungs can cause in patients like me. What is going to occur is doctors doing the best they can and treating in gerneral or general symptoms with drugs for other heart and lung problems which can also work I MEET THE NEW RATIONED GUIDELINES AS DIESASE HAS PROGRESSED THAT FAR NOW BUT; others may not have yet and are being harmed..ask  doctors what is going on they know and can't do much... The new guidelines  for oxygen/  CGS ( contractor has come up with )  is back to rationed care and many may prematruely  die  if followed. and where are the ones from 2005 based on case law that  more meet all the real medical standrads? I meet those three different ways, as the medical  profession  knows and has for years and those Medicare standards   were  based on real case law where  a medicare pateint was awarded the permanent  need for oxygen as the original regs were either a low oxygen satuation rate or other medical records.

    In the early 90's it was lowered to 88% and that was a major rationing in the program that occurred when most medical stadnards if one reads is really 94% and had been 91% before. To get the 88% one has to induce a form of heart attak and Ive been put through this 3 times now over this corrupted chaos   and  never came back to the level of health  a sbefore. Includnig last 7/13 with a tankk going out not knowing how to ptach it to make it work to prevent death  as we have had to do as CEO Lynn Blodgett et all forbids a claim going in to ACS, et all... So if you think medical cae isn't already rationed in this corrupted mess of stealing our health care dollars by those given authority over it... it is...My disease had already  progressed to where there is no quesiton of a low o2 rate when tested and has been there since the early 90's soon after being unjrued and hwy the real medical treatent stadards for toxic nd cemcial lung injires like the  is oxgen or doay one of injruy andfe ware geiting that at all, yetn. 's  that certain medial conditons need supplelmetal home oxygen to susutain life and slow down progresisons of some medical  conditons. like left ventrical heart failure. FOR ME IT WAS NOT HOME OXYGEN BUT WORK OXYGEN AS I WAS SENT BACK TO WORK WITH NO OXYGEN ALREADY  MEETING THE STRICT RATIONED STANDARDS ONE NEEDS NOW TO QUALIFY UNDER THE RATIONED CARE. ANGINA PAIN WAS MET WITH  KEEP ON WORKING OR BE REPRIMANDED. DON'T COMPLAIN, JUST LET HER DIE IS WHAT I GOT FROM THOSE IN CHARGE... WHILE DOCTOR AFTERDOCTOR WHO WROTE REOPRTS AND NOTES FOR ME WERE BLATANTLY DISREGARDED AS 'NOTIHNG TO DO' AND SOME SOME HAD COMPASSION BUT COULD  DO NOTHING  AS NO ONEIN CHARGE TO PROTECT OIFE AT ALL. AND OTHERS WENT ALONG WITH IT AFTER OVER 20 YEARS ON THE JOB THEN...I'VE SEEN EVIL AT ITS WORSE AND  FELONY MURDER IS RAMPANT AND MOST NEVER GET INVESTIGATED NOR PROSECUTED FOR THEIR FELONIES THAT RESULT IN MULTIPLE DEATHS BEFORE THEIR TIME. ITS  TIME FOR GOVT TO WORK AND STOP WHAT IS GOING ON ..I am not a doctor ,but have been a patinet over the last 25 years of leading and   published by peers doctors who have explained these things to me and have read, etc. Ask your doctor...not what insurance  will pay for but what you really need and  realize theft of our precious health care funds affects everyone in  some way...

   So all of a sudden there is $0 to pay on the presctiptions and nothing in any writings to say why?

What about the co pays for the last 7 years? when there was said to be no cooridnation plan and  appeals are languiishing  somewheere inside the govt contracrtors on all of them...We have all this included in  HIPPAA and Civil rights complaints, too; never responded to on the isseus either.WHEN GOVT DOES NOT WORK THEN EVEN A SIMPLE COMPLIINT NOT GETITNG ANSWERED MEANS THE WHOLE CORRUPTED MESS DOESN'T GET STOPPED EITHER. THROUGHTHAT LEGAL PROCESS IN PLACE TO STOP IT. AND AFEECT CHANGES NEEDED.

 MEDICARE AND STATES PLANS HAVE BEEN  PAYING THE ENTIRE  COSTS? OF PRESCRIPTIONS  and we got stuck with the lwoer of the two copays. when it should have been either $0 or the co pay if one or either of the plans did not cover a prescription.   


 And all of this has been done 'surreptiously?" to not draw attention to major refunds owed all over?.

IN THE BEGINNING  MEDICARE PART D LAW DID NOT EVEN PROVIDE  RECOVERY OR A CONDITIONAL PAYMENT FOR MEDS WHEN MEDICARE  WAS NOT THE PRIMARY PAYER.  That has changed IN RECENT  but have seen no copies of recoery letters on that either. That law  not implemeted yet either.

SOMEHOW  WHEN PART D MEDICARE WAS PASSSED; All the provisions  of a good law to help those needing  medicine plus the taxpayers money being used effectivly and ieficiently and recovered if medcicare is not the primary payer or if setltlements on liablity cases came in later could be refunded later. got completely missed. No one botheres to ask an old disabled womsn or any of us 'old timers who have had years of experience adn training in these programs and ones they are founded on. And if I suggested anything, it was too often arrogantly dismissed or was theft  provisions written into the law in the first place by undue influence from  those inteneding to steal and get by with it. . 


   Now FED Blues is going to pay for Vitmain D, which  I take and have no idea how to get it paid for   through Fed Blues or what brand, etc might be covered. or what the co pay might be? would it be the same as for regular prescription drugs not covered under Medicare as Vitamins are not yet. The positive is that our health plans are beginning  to recognize that some of the alternative meds are what is needed and not some pharmaceutical.drugs;

Siine I take 1000 units of D3 per day and not the 500 Blues will pay for now, I'd stll be geting reimbrursed for what part of   1/2 of 1/2 but what'I have another month  or so before my current supply runs out and pray someone in th egovt still workig there will get some process installed? But OPM is laying off 300 employeesand OPM  is supposed ot be over these federal benefits in some way although ACS et all has been runing things for over a decade now...withno over site it seems?

We Feds have been left out of any planning, out of the computer systems and medically  too  often abandoned more than once over this, yet when seriously injured ;a milion dollars goes into t he coffers at ACS-Xerox ? as govt contractro for Federal workers comp from the taxpayer to pay our bills and where is  it for all of us? As we end up  asking Medcicare to save us under its  'safety net' in order to live

  . Is this what Horace M Cooper as chief of emplyement standards at US dept of Labor back in 2005 and before  meant when he gave the order to m not post my Federql workers comp file , becase I was ' ld.?' Did this million dollars get sent through to defray the extra costs of those already with permament medical benefits for serious  complex injuries and someon pocketed the money and medcially abandoned us to "let medicare pay?" was said to me  asif its OK for medicare to pay any bill that those who are to be paying them can get by with 'dumpng' on to the program with Medicare Coordiination of Benefits facilitating  the whole by altering   information that get posted bi weely from US Dept ofLalbor and HR 1063 nows says the 'safety net under medicare' is no longer to be abused and medicare is to go get their money back with fines and penalties permitted  and that means all of those inside the govt and govt contractos who have been involved in this 'scam on the taxpayers of the USA' must obey the laws and some directly involved should  be ciriminally invesitigated and prosecuted as any other thief is..It is obviously felonies that got us injuredin the first place   and most will die and died already  with those injuries. Bit ts not considered murder at all.

CONGRESS NEEDS TOR EALIZE WHY THER RATINGS ARE SO LOW. GOVT DOES NOT WORK WHEN THEFT AND CORRUPTION OF OUR MONIES IS ALLOWED TO GO ON AND ON AND PEOPLE SUFFER FOR IT... Then  'dis' on one like me and throw away even civil rights and hippa complaitst trying to get someone to set down and formulate  terms of our health care policies that  have not been put in place; yet the money went out to ? for them to be in place.


   Back in 9/12, Orly Taitz had filed a lawsuit in Kansas about ballot access for President Obama claiming he was not eligible as he had not submitted valid proof of native born status.  I filed an affidavit with Sec of State of Kansas, Kris Kobach of my eyewintess account of  birth in Toepeka Ks and that Obama Sr was not his natural Dad as he had been murdeed in aracist  attack on his parents  and he uhnblrn back in 3/61 and two oters had been killed also in the attack. The rarranged marriage to Obama Sr, a couple of months before birth makes it a rebuttable presumption of   not being the natural father should it be pertient. Legal opinions and the 14Th aemdiment ot the US constituion pretty well settles  it, You are native born to the soil on which  you first took breath  and for Pres bama that was Forbes Air forec Base Hospital in  Topeka Ks where my mother took is mother r to give birth and a futre  Adams relative was there also to witness the occasion...

 Sec Kobach's staff searched  records forr over an hour and am certain they did find all.., but I knew I could  not have them due to privacy laws in Ks and did not ask. I felt assured that Sec Kobach would do as he needed to do the followeing week in court. HE DID NOT!  IN esence he covered up and proetcted Pres Obama  for what reason I do not know? or whoever may have done wrong..  I called Ms Taitz to let her know and had suggested she ask for a court order for the KANSAS birth certiificate. She did not do this either. I am certain , i nour judicial ssytem that my eyewitness acocunt is still legal evidence in the USA. Even if the jduge delayed the case to gather additl evdience to corroberate  my verbal testimony.  So two, supposiedly ultra conservative Republicans, chose to cover up what the public had a right to know when voting. Whether it would  have changed any outcome or not we willl never know.. The only issue , might have been for the Prestoent ot get his real record, then have to make a statement that either he did not know  the trutth, which  I had staetd as of 1/71 it had been decided he would not  be told. or  or he knowingly  lied on his ballot access apps in all states and territores d ballot access an would  have lied to the US Senate when he appeid to run for that office back in 2004. What reason would there have been to lie" YOU CAN READ MY AFFIDAVIT,MINUS THE NAME OF THE DAD ( which  Kris Kobachs has)  HERE 9/12/12 IN THE DAILY RECAP. AND THE LETTER TO A.G. ERIC  HOLDER   9/26/12 to ask for a federal civil rights investigation in to the murder of theree in the KANSAS RIVER   in a vicious racist attack and one of them was his 99% sure real Dad. "EVER ONE KNEW" and so have those  at the top who have bamboozled many good people into thinking he is not USA born.

 I did not enter tihs for political reaosns and have never stated whom I voted for in 11/12 for that reason. Its not material  to my motivationsas  justice for three in the Kansas River at the hands of others in a vicious racist attack that left a young pregnant teenage couple no right to decide their future and that of their  unborn child, who is now President of the USA is and this has been part of the unfinished business of my life for over 50 years, also even though I am not the immediate family only a third cousin who rarely saw him and never saw his mother after she left Topeka KS a few weeks after he was born..

   A real part of the battle for integration and human rights in this nation and all took place in a major battlegrond for civil rights even anough those in 'power' wnated it to seem as if it was all 'love and roses': It was not....Murdeers have gone free for over 50 years and those who instigated it have been left to casuse undue harm the whole time...even if did not do the deed themselves. We may be surprised if any real invsetigation ever occurs just where or what has occurred with those involved...or did not stop it ...A lot of very powerful people were in Topeka then for a variety of high level things going on and their  children were in school with us... A comment by Kris Kobach;s staff was that 'adults may have done this" as if ther wer more records they wer accesd  than I was allowed to know about... Ther has been no one ever brought to justice is all I have evern known o..

Royce Latham of Tea Party Nation had posted a list of e mails for all the Sec of states and I began sharing my Daily Recaps of the Kansa birth. with them I had started 7/26/12 and have contined it almost daily eas any knew info o etc comes up. A copy goes to White house but no indication  any one has shown it to the president. as I do not have diirct access to him.

  9/12,. Back in Topeka, the judge did not dismiss the case totally, but has it in a legal abeyance wating for rMS Taitz to choose to want  the full truth to come out and if some people go to jail for any thing illegally  done in the campaign  or 53 years ago, so be it: its our legal ssytem... and in Topeka K where s a major lock down and cover up for all that time of a past that is still present in that city in many ways. so much so I left  at age 18, and only have returned for visits althouhg some very nice people and some Adams relatives  do live there yet.

We cannot over come our past if we do not face it and have some semblmnceof our legal system to merit out jsutice as the system is  able to do. It appears, even burials were done in secret and not known where the graves are...The newpapes r  for 1961 and 1962 where the birth and marriage to Obama Sr as well as the op ed wirtten by my Dad in 5/62 after the bodies washed up later... are missing outof the archives...n o one ever wanted to  search for rumored dead in that river. and the miracle  is they washed up later. I surmise becaause the Army Corps of engineers must have been pushing thme to and fro  as they diverted a watershed chanels off the Soldier Crrek were it occurred  Ka

  nsa has no reported lynchings since 1922. EMPHASIS IS  ON 'REPORTED.' Yet one of  bodies whiched  washed up on a sand bar  had a rope aroound his neck and the President's mother  said they intended to lynch them and he fought back and she got away and ran for help. BUT NO LAW ENFORCEMENT WOOULD  HELP AT ALL IN ANY WAY.  SHE DID THE ONLY  SEARCHING IN THE COLD OF WINTER, 15 AND PREGNANT TRYING TO FIND A BODY MAYBE STILL ALIVE... THIS WAS THE REAL WORLD NOT SO LONG AGO AND IN  THIS NATION AND  we must not foget or we are doomed to repeat such atrocities against other human beings... all becasue a teenage couple was of differing races.  To me, a private matter for the couple and their families but at the time, I did not know I was family  of  Ann Dunham as she was using the assumed name of her Dad, Daniel Wayne Pope, my first cousin, who took an ID and went to WWII at age 14 and by the time my DAD:S sisier and husband had found him< he was in the war , married and a  baby on the way after he had ont come home from his summer job at a furniture store  in Liberal Kansas back to colorado.  My parents were located to help out a great niece they had never met, althorugh I had been acquanted wth her since whe had arrived to live with Fred Phelps at Westboro Baptist the  summer of 1958 and she had gotten away as we were told they were his mother's relatives  and was on her own as both her r parents always had seen to have some kind of 'secret  govt business'  they did.

ALL THIS TIME, I HAVE INCLUDED SEVERAL SEC OF STATES IN THE LIST TO RECEIVE MY DAAILY RECAP AND SEC OF STATE OF KANSAS KRIS KOBACH  HAS BEEN NO EXCEPTION. BUT YESTERDAY IT WAS BLOCKED FOR THE FIRST TIME.  If someone gets on  the list and wishes to not be, I do remove them as its a matter of internet courtesy to do so. First time this kind of reaction has occurred.

I have been very critical of the voter suppesison laws going into effect. A federal agency SSA has proven age and nctizenship for almost everyone inr the USA and why that is not utilized when one registers to vote, is beyond me, Its the same database that is used for e -verify by employers and would only have to add one fiield das for e -verify one is accessing citizenship info. If a picture ID is needed, let the Sec of States who reigister people take  it and issue a voter ID card. All this other chaos going on seem too obvious to suppress the votes of those of us wit hthe full rights of citizenshp vote. If 95% of us eligible would do the deed, after 10 years in all elections, we could  take back the power from the wealthy and powerful who only get one vote. If ones elected official comes up for reelction and knows 95% of the people are going to  issue a report card for the job they have done; they will start to listen to us, who are to  rule under our system of govt.

We hire and we fire those who do not do their job as we think they should have done it.Not an international  cabal who have scammed  our monies into their own coffers and been let to get by with it by those we elected..

Pray for our elelcted leaders that they may do the best they can for us.offering them  constructive criticism where needed. If they comimt 'high crimes; then our elected e officials must be removed, other wise all must work with them countering and amending policies and OVERSITE  to make sure laws are being carried out which  PART D under Medicare was not overseen and not carried out exceptt into the 'hand's of some apapaently blatant theives and all of us have lost precious monies for the health care needs of all of us over it.

 So the report linked t is not complete as it still does not address some real skuldugery that has gone on for way too long  with the Taxpayers money in program after program where 'we the people' wnant  to help each other and have had our monies for that 'disppear?' not fo the intended purpose.

Linda Joy Adams 1/25/14 ( no spell check on this site  yet)

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