
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Daily Recap 9/14/13-9/22/13: Death Panels Coming to a City Near You: President Obama Born In Topeka ks

VS-302 Celvaseal Sealant Is this what is used to repair the liquid oxygen tanks. Seems to need someone who is skilled in the use and has the right protective gear?\ Yes the Death panels of exclusive territories by govt health plans as Medicare is coming to the urban areas . You will find it listed under COMPETITIVE BIDDING, and means one can;t get even an empty tank to be bought through insurnace without going through the suplier assigned to your area. Why would this be needed? Why is liquid oxygen differnt than any other medical service, supply or seeing a medical doctor? They all used to be able to sign up to accept Medicare, etc and the payment amounts and rules applied to all equally. Maybe, those putitng in bids are not being told the truth , that only one of them will be chosen per territory? That's a deadly secret that must not continue. My civil rights complaints on this 1/08 regulation that forced the best way through smaller medcial supply places out of the busiess in 1/08 and forced upwards of a 100 patients in our area with no way to get the right to breathe except fmailies and friennds go get tanks filled by gas companies and a few like, me were able to get partial reimbursement from employer group health plans. And its a big ugly secret? this is occurring until one finds out no one goes there but one company and graudally all are being owned by Lind Gas of Germany even the gas company is whe. Spell check is not working and I have something blocking the site on the left hand margin so this is not the best. I am exhausted in trying to find out why I should be caught in a real death panel and deaths have occurred and probably more than any are aware in this all over the country. How can the govt allow a company to have an exclusive territory then be able to deny service to the aptients even approved for life already by those govt plans as I am? What hit list anm I on? An who else is on it too? Almost lost this post and did lose one earlier before published.. I have two oxygen tanks laying on each side of bed and shake and roll and gorilla tape and crazy glue being used to get enough oxygen to survive. Got it fixed so I can do this with mimnial exertion as there is no way, one can expect family to do this 24/7. Pretty clear no way to get a tank replaced or get servce as others with less insurance and health plan coverage than me can get. Found out from places in other areas of the country what was occurring in the cities as they are bidding now on the territories. And all these agreements and govt contracts seem to be super secret and shouldn't be as not a matter of national security to provide medical care to elderly and disabled, Our personal record is supposed to be private and hasn't been for many years when so many entities get access, but what's so secret aobut a contract to accept medicare or medicaid coverage or any of the other govt health plans? Guess one has to ask Lynn Blodett what is in the contract as ACS -Xerox seems to be the company that signs up the mecail privders and suppliers and is their 'boss.' That's the international conglomerate that spies on us and read our e mails and runs and controls the flow of info in most govts oand nations of this world, now. New World Order is not a govt at all, but the entity that govts have given over their powers to and in the USA no monies are allowed to be spent to investiigate crimes done by them, nor internal audits to make sure the laws are being obeyed which is not happening at all I had to get $5000 worth of tests re run to prove I needed oxygen and you, the taxpayer paid for most of it as my health plans are all govt ones That's senough to buy two new tanks. that would last another 5 to 7 years or more. I'm a lttle worse than a few eyars ago, but still should live a good many years, with oxygen and medical care. And this is after Medicare came out with a memo earlier this year that retesting is not needed once one is approved for life as I am, even by medicare. Common sense and justice and constitutional rights and even the free market right to participate by all the medical supplier stores that used to take care of us all very well has left in a sea of lawlessness and in major cities when patients start dying before they should because they can't get the right to breathe , what is going to happen when there is no system in which to complain. I have had a medicare hearing pending for almost 5 years on this to get medicare to pay when theer is no supplier willing to service and one has to go direct to the manufacturer. to live. Civil rights complaints dispapear and never reviewed on this and other matters. And Lynn Blodgett won't pay my bills, post my file and he has hidden from everyone that he has over a decade of oxygen claims not input because "they would be paid" at Federal workers comp and this is in defiance of appellate agency judges orders to processa and pay dn post and obey the rules and laws. I pray for Lynn Blodgett and ask others to do so , also. Maybe he really is believing someone else's gossip and rumors and has no direct knowledge of the truth of the facts of the cases, as the judges said to ask me and he has not done so, nor answered certified letters sent to work some process out. Hr 1063 signed into law 1/11/13 is not implemented so who is in charge of this nation? Doesn't appear to be the President, whomever he or she might be and Congress is fighting over a heathh plan and refusing to acccept that something has to be done and stopping the death panels and scamming of our monnies should be the first item of business whatever kind of health plan it might be. Some medical costs are expensive and ust be a shared cost in some way for all of us to have the right of life. When I spoke to Rotech and others suppiers in other parts of the country to double check things out, I found the rules being obeyed elsewhere, so what is wrong here? I've always gotten along well with delivery persons. And they were surposed at what was happening to me. They seemed very courteous and very nice to talk to. Everyone seems nice, until the corporate headquarters gets my name and then I get nothing. No rights at all. Or is this going right back to Lynn Blodgett and stops at his desk? I pray not? There is no way Doyle and I can go to our 50th HS reunion in Topeka ks. I have some new info to share and pray that someone will go to the Capper Jr HS exhibts and alums and see if there is any pictures of the President's mother in them or other info. Remember, I saw her records and she was an honor student when My mother enrolled her at Topeka HS in 4/61 after she got gdnshp of her signed over from Fred Phelps at Westboro Baptist church who would not sign for her to get into Topeka HS in the Fall of '60 and I still do not know what happeened between her mother and her. why she wasn't in Hawaii with her. I'm pretty sure she almost got prosecuted for falsifying the Hawaii birth records and it was the case in our manuals at Social Security years ago, that led to laws getting changed there at the insistence of SSA and others to tighten up the rules. but at the time I had not made the connection that falsified reocrds were being filed, when the real ones were in Topeka ks. As I recall it was a theft , of the blank forms, etc out of the hospital. But I'm not completely sure of all of this. I begged Sheriff Joe's. invesigator to check for a criminal file in Hawaii, but no one seems to want to check out anything that would clear the President of wrong doing and put the blame with a person no longer in this world. As for the article in the paper in 5/62 after the bodies washed up on a sand bar and one had a rope around his neck . I am now pretty sure what occurred is the bodies washed up and there was still no investigation by authortiies and my Dad wrote the article and it was published as an Op editorial rather than just a letter to the editor. My Dad did not type and the only copy I know of was sent to Ann by my mother. Its why after the newspaper came out the sheriff came and got my Dad but to this day, no real investigation nor justice has occurred that I have ever been aware of and why isnn't the President asking for justice for his 99% real sure Dad instead of me, just a school acquantance. No word back from Doug Searcy so, politics surely has not interferred with justice? I pray not! This is not about President Obama nor politics its about three who died and should not have in a racist attack on an interracial couple after months of harrassment that shoudl never have occurred. either , A couple pregnant at the time. who had sat down on the banks of the river to figure out what to do as young teenagers with a baby on the way. They were denied the right. The last act by the President's 'Dad' was to save the life of his mother and he, unborn. That's not abandonment,that's an act of life and preservation. And he was not told that, and I, a thrd cousin, should have done it, even though: ' it wasn't my place to do so.' i can only try , now to make things right for justice and truth and Congress needs to do their jobs to to preseive our lives and our monies to help do that. I pray he asks Attoney Eric Holder to open an investigation as a civil rights matter. There are a few who gain great power and wealth and misuse it to gain more power and wealth and we, as a people have to make sure that power and wealth is not used to harm us or our nation. Heakth care has to be ahsred cost among us, and common sense and the medical expertise needs to be the prime motivator and a constitutional process when things don;t go well to preserve life and health of each of us. Don't Hold me to this following info as totally true as its only what I was told. Got an e mail some time back I just read from Carmen and love and appreciate all of you on facebook, and hope to get back to responding more. The info on Veda? Kenneth Pope's wife , as family told me she was divorced and remarried to a Pukhaber and the children adopted by the stepfather and one took the name Pukhaber and the other took the name in the court papers id of a minor as Rove. So much of this on line info is out of date at best. Carmen found a listing for the president's mother in Hawaii and the phone number now belongs to a psychic line. I didn't stay on it long enough to see if seances were advertised, too. I have found relatives, I know are deceased still listed and each year the age increases. I attended funerals. When its my 'real time' and not a time of someone else's choosing for me to go on to Heaven, I'll see Ann and the three young men, again and I will say , I tried for justice, even if lately. I will see other loved ones and friends and all truth will be known. BUT, I don't plan for that time to be for many years in the future.Got too much to do , right here. I personally do not think Yahusha, whom we Christians call Christ Jesus does bad things. We humans have free will and we allow bad things to be done to each other and some do them. We don't always do what we need to do, toeghter to stop these bad things from occurring. But we have to learn to love the good and hate the evil. Linda Joy Adams 9/22/13 Must close and rock and roll some oxygen into my lungs.

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