
Friday, June 28, 2013

Daily recap 6/27/13+ Precap: Murderers Running Scared?: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 6/2/13: + Precap : President Obama  Born In Topeka Ks.
Flickr: Linda Joy Adams' Photostream Click the Link an double click for info on President Obama''s ancestry.
  Thanks for the prayers and good wishes on my asthma flare up but my oxygen liquid oxygen tanks are not working well and have no money to buy new ones. The only supplier in the area Lincare has refused service even though I'm approved for life by three health plans. By using two canals in the nose form each I can get almost enough prescribed liter flow.
 Another company is now coming to the area  but Cigna Govt services is telling the suppliers that one has to have an 88% saturation level.  Thia is not true for Medicare even with their stricter guidelines when one has cerrtain medical conditions. Lincare is not taking any new patients although they have the workers comp contract and their orders are  "too let her die." as Lynn B;odgett has a decade of their claims and will not input them as they will be paid.
        The federal workers comp law of 1988 was passed to stop these  deadly abuses. and when they put me on home oxygen years ago, it automatically locked me in with permanten medical benefits unlike even doctor's visit etc. It w has to be a life threatening medical need to cause this and oxygen is one of them.
 The  illegal activity that stated under the beginning of hillarycare is that one only went by the sat rate and over the years it kept getting lowered although most medical standards recognize that below 94% one is medically  doing harm to internal organs. At 96% I'm allured going into organ failure as I have severe pulmonary hytertension and that's the diagnosis which got me approved for life by Medicare.  Even upheld by the medicare  appellatte judges as I tried to get the conditonal payemnt law efnorced and HR 1063 is to do this, but not being implemeented as no one is set up to do it yet   The medciare seocidnary payer unit has an open owcp ase listed but they only do meidcal sublrogation and eoer moies after approved. I;m aplready appreoved and CEO Lynn Blodgett of ACS-Xerox won't allow the claims to be processed as they would be paid and he doesn't want  set up my file and pay all the other bills that have been legally and timely pending for years. WHY doesn;' he like me? what is he covierng up? CGS won't listen to the fact even the appellate judge at Medicare approved me for coverage but the bills are the responsibility of federal worker comp.
 Unlike a doctor bill, etc., if Medicare is billed it automatically kicks it back saying workers comp and has to be billed. There is a provisions, that is not being followed at all for Medicare to pay when owcp doesn't and  this  after they file the claims and wait about 4 months then they can bill Medicare who will pay. This 4 moths was changed to reasonable in 2006, but no one seems to know that. Lynn Blodgett is the unreasonable one. Licare woudln;t even siend in the clims, but i hae them filed to protect the filing date ad they would be paid if Lynn Blodgett would obey the appellate judges that said to get all this done and he withheld those orders from the US Dept of Labor as he controls the lives of evey one of us injured worlers, not evn the govt can do anything thanks to Congress. .      
      Twice I have gotten the low sat rate by inducing organ failure  (frced on me by them), but its excruciating pain in the heart  and lungs to do this as one is going into an ischemic heart attack and kidney failure and  there is dire possibilty of a stroke, also. as the blood backs up in the lungs and doesn't get out to where it needs to go, etc. Its why in 2005 excellent and medicially specific guidelines were adopted by Medicare and used for awhile and then abandoned by all the partners of medciare.
        A few months ago Cigna govt services now CGS and a subsidiary of Trailblazers which did the major Medicare theft on my records of $4 Million dollars now owns them and that's SC Blue Cross Blue Shield, parent company of all of them..
 The memo said  once   aprooved ofr life, no more need for all the retesting nor even inducing possible death, etc. just the prescription is needed.
Doyle spent a lot of today going arondd and trying to find out what could be done for  me not to end up dead or a vegetable. and its very bad news. No one is following the guidelines and laws at all. but Lincare got a memo and said as of 7/1/13 they will not take any new  medicare patients so Doyle contacted the other provider didnot come to OK  when my supplier was forced out of business along with all the other smaller home heath places who had a sideline business in 1/08 as medicare required them allt o hire a respiratory techician even though I see no need for one and never was needed before.  The regulation was designed for the two major compaines to  force out most smaller suppliers  who often had a side line business. hauling tanks. MEDICARE isn;t even a primary payer, but fed Blues of Ill calls and has the reocrds lelgally chaged as they have been uilelgally allowed to do this and HR 1063 is to stop this and has not been implememnted
   Intwined in  all this in the million dollarsform set aside money for mine and other eirously injred federal workers medical care. that went missing among those supsects  and one convicted criminal in the Jack Abramoff bribery scandle at the US Dept of Labor.
And Lincare got told I  perosnally had the money and dropped in me in 2006 over it.
       So in order to live, I have to induce organ failure and may not come out of this as well as before. Twice I've gone through this and the regulations say its not to be done but this is not being followed.
 The other company will take me, only if I get that 88% sat rate currently and that means permaent organ damage if I survive ,but in order to live, it may well have to be done and its  painful as its the kind of  chest pains one has in a heart attack, etc and blockage and one can't be treated as if one is, then one can't get future  treatment paid for. ALL because LAWS ARE NOT BEING OBEYED. DEATH PANELS ARE REAL FOLKS!  Cigna got sued back in the late 90s when a man died from this dieregard for the law,   I told Doyle do what you can to make sure all the due process is done so you will end up with enough money to live on should I not make it.  I CHOOSE TO LIVE AND AM PRAYING FOR A MIRACLE OF laws obeyed. for once. So a bad asthma flare up, is not my major problem, now.
   I'm resting until I get back on full litter flow as prescribed but my diastolic blood pressure is running around 100 already as one of the 2 tanks is now empty and family will go get it filled tomrrow and then I can be back to two canolas, so I'm  getting about 1/2 of prescribed amount. Going to an ER only gets my chemically induced asthma flared up and they wouldonly give me a couple of hours of oxygen to stable my vitals and send me home with a prescription which  I laready have.  i will go if it gets too bad.
       I'm sharing this as everyone needs to know about what a 'DEATH PANEL' looks like. Its not a board rationing care, its this underhanded way of rationing not sanctioned by any one led by the toxic and chemical industry as its those of us who have suffered those kinds of injuries who qualify in this manner.  Plus the 2 million in New York City from the toxic fires left to burn to dig out the gold under the Twin Towers. and the air study falsified by head of EPA Christie Todd Whitman who has never been criminally investigated at all for causing more premature deaths then Osama Bin Latiner did although it was his attack group that caused the attack. One can debate who he worked for, but my eye  witness assessment is something caused him to turn on the USA and it may well have occurred in Jersey City in 1988 over how he was treated or what he observed in the USA. plus he was not a nice person to start with at all as I found him cold and what I often refer to as a 'dead soule' that one just cant 'rich' and there are very few in dimity who are like that , even among some of our most decadent and/ or criminal element. Even they seem to have a glimpse of a soul left as to what they could still be in a redemption.
                                   I didn't get a precap done yesterday or today.but the scriptures were two Psalms. 6/26/13 was Psalm 99 and today, 6/27/13 it was Psalm 98.Verse 9 says " he is coming to judge the earth."  There are some among us who have more to fear than others.   As the saying goes. REPENT! Salvation is available!.(Yahuah, Yahusha, Ruah whom Christians call Christ Jesus)
                                            PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS
                 Yes I did call Officer Searcy today in Topeka Ks and he seemed to have a lot of info already and he had gotten my e mail.. I mentioned jurisdiction, but he said.: the dodies washed up in the  Kansas river and apparently that was Topeka Ks jurisdiction so the policec can look into it as they never seemed to be involved at all at the beginning. It may take some time to look further and they do have access to confidential records, we would not. That's why I'd contacted Sheriff Joe and Lt Zullo thinking they would be able to share as law enforcement. I did mention, that a Phelps daughter had been general counsel for the sheriff's office back in 1988 and the two suspicious fires in Topeka over the last couple of years where some records might be as well as the 'stolen' newspaper archives from the public library.
            FACE BOOK FRIENDS , this real journey for Truth and Justice must be making some really nervous, and I still wibder if the murderers of three in Topeka Ks from 3/61 and some of the funding behind the birther movement isn't the same individuals otherwise, why are they so AFRAID TO GO TO TOPEKA KS? where the birth , marriage to Obama sr for a'cultural adoption 'and name to be given, and the murders of three includig the alledgde real Dad of POTUS occurred. Some very powerful  entities must have been at work behind this all along? Solve thee murders and a lot of what is wrong in this nation and world, may start to unravel as so much of what is bad started in Tpeka ks, but a lot of good did also, but its been shoved aside by the 'bullies' of the world.
            BIRTHERS not interested in the Truth have come up with another bizarre twist. Now the Kenya birth was phoned into Hawaii to be registered. SORRY HE was born in Topeka KS at Forbes Air Force base hositial. and the only phning was from Topeka KS to Hawaii and Potus;s grandmother "Tut"   is the prime suspect in all the filings  in Hawaii and the stysem was very lax at the time there for this to get done, but he may never have had anything but a notice of Hawaii birth when the real one was back in Topeka Ks and the 1961 newspaper showed it too. So he was not two people, nor three, he was one.
 Of course law enforcement is going to focus on the mruders and whether they can be solved at this late date. I did say , I wish Fred Phelps would talk, and others who may be persons of interest in either putting a  noose aournd his neck or egging on the malicious harrassment that finally led to the three dead. And that the family had decided that the unborn baby would never be told the truth of ihs origins, then one day he decided to run for President and the whole world is now involved in what happened and the trtuh has been well hidden and its allowed murderers to go free for 52 years.
     There are key persons in this, that law enforcement needs to interview and its why I really have had no desire to speak to them myself, as If they are the guilty parties, I don't think they are going to talk, and if they ie to me, I have no authority to say they are obstructing justice by lying. I do wish any one that knows anything, even a small part of who were the harrassers, and who might be guilty to call crimestoppers in Topeka Ks. 785-368-9028 or 785-207-6930. Three families lost a loved one on that day back in 3/61 and its time for the birthers to focus on real issues and not the false premise of ineligibility.
My Mother did not take  Ann to Kenya, nor Hawaii in the 1948 Chevy Fleet master for the birth.
       You are doing a real disservice of distraction or om the issues  you need to be focussing on . Are there real matters to bring to congress and / or political issues you may wish Congress to address how the nation is  being run amok. But  I know  it didin't start in 2009, but a culmination of decades of going the wrong direction on may levels.
  The US Supreme Court just took a bad turn  yesterday. Its time for govt to get out of the bedrooms of consenting adults and out of the private homes of whom one wants to be their family The real issue has always been NEXT OF KIN RIGHTS and that's something any adult should be able to have added to their ID and it doesn't have to be a marriage partner.
Adults are already doing this and ignoring the formal piece of paper called a marrige license. Societies used to do this before ancient Rome decided to count heads to impose taxes.
 On other things I am not Libertarian at all. but we have laws now that infringe on our religious beliefs. Many will be forced to uphold laws that go astray from their faith beliefs and it opposes the first amendment.
I don't mean to imply one is allowed to discriminate against those who do not live a live style one thinks is morally wrong. But when the govt says its OK and pretty soon, its going to go further than same sex as that's the legal  path we are now on, its going to get rather bizarre.  With the govt out, less discriination would occur for now its only going to polarise us more.When iIgo to get medical care, shop in a store, take a cab, I am not bothered by whom they go home to at the end of the day. I want to have pleasant social interaction and they do their job for me. and we treat each other with dignity as  human beings.   Its one more step intruding on our private lives by the govt. I can choose my personal friends as they choose we choose whom we wished to go home to.
     As for voting rights, every citizen should not be hindered in doing that. And if the federal govt had already ruled a person is a citizen and old enough to vote, then why is all thsse laws being passed? Social security has already established both of thee issues on almost every one and the e verify system should be able to patch in a couple of more fields so when one registers to vote it could be used. But SCOTUS went the opposite direction than the technology available which would steamaline and make it so easy for all of us. Why do you need all the proofs, and hassle when a simple computer check would verify you already did that or your parents did when you got your SSN or your Social security check?  The state would only be left with a reubuattale authority if they thoguht the federal govt was in error. The sharing of all this info can make it easier for us in many ways while on the other hand we need some strictly enforced laws on misuse of the info  someone in the govt might be able to access. And most importantly , one needs to know what is in there and a legal process to get it corrected, which is not possible now if errors have been made or  malicous rumors or gossip got on the records.. which has cost may lives already according to congressional studies of 7 years go with no laws passed yet to even get the national health insurance data base, a govt contract, under the HIPPAA law. as its  ones  medical history that's  often used to treat you more often than not especially in a busy emergency room and people are getting worng meds, and other things happening that have caused harm and death. and malpractie suits becasue it was relied on.
I'll try to keep all posted and thanks for your prayers and a good outcome all the way around for me, my family, all those on the journey for truth and justice and three families who have not really had closure for a very long time. I'm having major computer problems and got to get  Google chrome from running behind Internet explorer and some other problems figured out. As it take forever now on facebook to even say Like. Thanks Barbara for the info on the Romaoffs.I was alway led to believe any money was not left so any one saying or eve proving  they were related could go claim it. But often money is a motive and hope its not why my family and I  are having such tremendous problems when we have the health coverage and income awarded to live the standard of life we are accustom to  , which is a very modest one.
Linda Joy Adams 6/27/13 ( will try by best on spell check tonight, but its not working right.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Regarding Fred Phelps and WBC:

There is no evidence for the following hypothesis and that, in itself, may be cause to suspect various agencies (OSS/CIA, Menninger Clinic, etc.).

This is merely an off-the-wall theory, but perhaps Fred Phelps Sr. was a victim of mind-control programming and WBC was his 'cover.' Just possibly, those involved with such programming were also involved with such projects with children and various non-bioogically related children were inserted into the Phelps household. That far-out theory might explain Ann's temporary presence. Likewise, it might explain the current, bizarre behavior of the Phelps clan. Remember, there is circumstantial evidence that Stanley & Madelyn may have been connected to the CIA. Ann may very well have been a victim of mind control.

It is difficult to discard the fact that Fred Phelps was a model student and accepted for West Point -- what happened to him? James Holmes has been described as very intelligent and Adam Lanza was no dummy. Both, however, were on psychotropic drugs.