
Friday, February 1, 2013

Poll: Two-Thirds Of Texans Want Obama Impeached | America's Conservative News

Poll: Two-Thirds Of Texans Want Obama Impeached | America's Conservative News

1 comment:

Rocky2 said...

Government-Approved Illegals !

Speaking of illegals, the government hasn't built the border fence high enough to keep out the un-American criminals who want to take away our freedoms.
Yes, the government hasn't built the White House fence high enough to keep out the un-American criminals who somehow got into the White House and who are now working hard to take away the religious, social, and economic freedoms of true American patriots!
Here are two slogans that Obama would rather not think about: "Unborn babies should have the right to keep and bear arms - and legs and ears and eyes, etc.!" and "Unborn babies should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!"
If Obama should ever happen to Google "Dangerous Radicals of the Religious Right," do you think he would feel guilty merely walking in the hallowed halls of that House where true Americans walked?
Is it safe to assume that Mecca Wafers are Obama's favorite candy? And is barack-coli a vegetable or a disease?
Finally, a message for the Director of Homeland Duplicity (synonymous with Perversity and eventually Calamity): "We don't need your bullets. You've already given us Americans enough 'ammunition' "!

(Obama, Biden, Reid and Napolitano did not approve of this message! For more on Obama etc., Google "Obama a Black-Slavery Avenger?," "Un-Americans Fight Franklin Graham," and "When Obama Etc. Leave Office.")