
Monday, February 4, 2013

Daily Recap 2/4/13:Happy Birthday! Great Aunt Rosa Parks: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 2/4/13: Happy Birthday!Great Aunt Rosa Parks: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks:
                                                                  ILLEGAL ANTS
Beautiful day and had a little rain last night. Went out to spend short time sitting and planting some seeds and found some illegal ants in the garden Don't they know that they are not allowed in the nice rich soil we  have spent so many years building up for growing food? Don't they know just because we don't have a barrier boundary, they are not to be there and they can go up on the hill and find a place any where up there for their ant hill?  Guess not? So before I realized it I was getting stung and bitten and have some marks on me. I don't have the bad allergic reactions that some do, but  some tree oil soap  helped.
But the trespassers were evicted, and some carrots, radishes, beets and a sprinke of lettuce got planted.
And if you trespassers think you are going to return and steal my seed, you may find  the next eviction not  a simple scoop and move.
Only mail was from those wanting us all to buy something and no money to buy any extras this month. Some day when all that has been awarded be paid maybe some things we could really use, be gotten, but we do have a roof over our heads and we are not starving and so far somehow medical care is being obtained although very delayed, except for he right treatment for  Doyle, which is being delayed because HCS Blue Cross Blue shield is caught by the new technology and should be getting fined $1000 a day for what they are doing.Too bad, the corruption and collusion has made me still an active duty employee even if the Commisisoner Astrue, who is leaving in  a couple of weeks, told? every one I'd gotten a workers comp settlement and retired because Mr Or Ms OPM said so with no paper work and stopped the liaison for owcp to stop working on my files and its gone missing too for over 6 years, so where is it? St Louis doesn't have it either, and they wouldn't, so did AFFILIATED COMPUTER SERVICES TAKE IT TO DIGITIZE IT AND DISAPPEARED LIKE MY CLAIMS FILE OUT OF THE hearing offiie in MC Alester OK?
 And AC'S also will not pay any workers comp claims or post my file to be worked as they show a million dollars was to go my way and it disappeared in a suspected embezzlement ring that OPM  has never been able to investigate as the highest authorities won't permit it. And they have not input 14 years of oxygen claims because their manager said they would be paid and OPM said all  bills would have to be paid and isn'tt that's what supposed to happen when one has permanent medical benefits because the oxygen was the life sustaiing need that caused the automatic entitlement .?
PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS: For over a year have tried to get those in the birther movement to get records from Topeka, at least the news paper announcements of marriage and birth and the  later articles when the bodies of the three dead washed up on a sand bar in the Kansas River,one being  the Dad of the President ( name never in media) and his murder was before both and why my parents were asked to intervene.
 Linda Jordan went into court in Washington state and got fined $13,000 for trying to say the president should not be on the ballot. An attorney Sanders has come forward to represent her and try to get the fine removed. She was not an attorney, and I am not either butnknow full well there are a lot of procedures and rules of evidence that are needed to bring a case. Even Orly Taitz has gotten little accomplished and she is an attorney with financial backing. Both need to bring in something, and they have not used any eye witness, like, me, nor gotten any of the available  records like the marriage and birth annoucmenents from the Topeka KS papers I am no where near Kansas and do not have the money or access to get them. Many do and  are asking for all kinds of money and then when they lose in court, it enrages people that don't like the president and who have been made to bleieve that he isn't eligible when in fact he is, but the wrong state named. I called Mr Snaders and offered my help in any way, as his client does have the right to ask the court for help in this, as she apparently did an e-verify and the name and SSN that is out there as his and belongs  to another deceased person didn't pass the check
. As I have said before, being an eployee of SSA since 1968, its inconceivable that this had not already been resolved years ago and a decision to  not prosecute made. I have no direct knowledge of his SSN, etc, but do know the procedures well over the years.
Currently SSN Id theft complaints are taken by Lock Heed Martin, as much of the govt is now being run by govt contractors for almost a decade owned by the industrial military complex along with  health care govt programs and that's another problem as they are taking over all our health care and Covnress has passed  laws over the last decades to give them immunity for wrong doing  and make them untouchable and net even real internal audit controls!
Whoever goes into confirmation hearisng to repalce Comm Astrue, should be asked what he or she will do to more secure  the Social Secrirty Number process and reduce identity theft. And secure the current unsecure records.
Its inconceivable to me, and probablay to the judge in Washington state, that the president's ssn is out in the public domain as procedure is that the SNN's of famous people are flagged so if any curious employee of SSA accesses it a security alert is given and the employee can face disciplinary action as we are not to be accessing records unless its part of the work we are doing and assigned; i/e . the person owning it is on the phone or in the office for an interview or one is reviewing their file for some reason as part of the work of the agency. 
This means that e-verify is not secured nor flagged for the curious to not be able to access the records? Who's in charge of this agency? However with all our personal data being given over to Affiliated computer services, how can any of it be determined as "safe and secure?" Mine sure has not been.  Another has been intentiolal hacking in of the system, from otside the agency; for  over a decade as we established last year, and no one cares its going on. Least of all Congress.
Mr Sanders is not really interested in getting in to establishing where the president was born, etc, but does want to preserve the right or a citizen to bring a case and not face retaliation from a judge, for not presenting it correctly There are many cases, that cost so much to bring that, no attorney can really afford to do so and the person needing to do so is on their own trying to preserve their rights and their life in many cases.
I do recall the annoucement of Obama's in the paper in Topeka Ks. that's a start that the paper work is amiss.( I did tell him the name of the real Dad as I know form Ann through my mother and it was general konwledge who the interacial couple were and led to the racist attack.)
I am trying to be very careful of what I know first hand and what I remember, Some of it is bits and pieces. But I remember reading the announcement in the announcement page. We took the eveningepaper The Journal which stopped being published many years ago as did many evening papers in this country.   Its no longer owned by Capper since 1994, and the current editor Ms Quinn would not let her reporters  go check the archives for any of the death , birth, mrriage records or of the three unsolved murders. One reporter did go to westboro Baptist and did an article on them and said that Fred Phelps had just retired. ( after I went public online with my eyewitness account?) As an atotrney and former jduge, I expect him to be ethical about the use of the name.
Today Is Rosa Parks birthday. I have re posted some daily recaps as I do each day of the orgnal postings since 7/26/12 and the one on her. The Parks never had any children so I say she is the Aunt of any one that struggles for truth and justice and dignity of all and those inalienable rigths of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It wasn't easy and the work is not over for all of us to over come the evils of the past so all can share in a world of life and love and dignity and Justice for all.Others call her the mother of the civil rights movement and she was the beacon of light that created the momentum that finally took off. But her family and any one with the Parks name had security and safety problems for their very lives in some areas of this country and the reach of the KKK was very widespread and growing in those years just 50+ years. Today we fear some entity from another country that might fly a plane into a building, etc. But in those eyears it could be more direct and real and they came ni the middle of the night and no one could see their faces and they did terrifying things and sometimes murders were committed. We must not forget. just as we must not forget the Holocaust in Germany when a people lost their humanity and became enraged to blame one group or another for the ills of society. We need to learn from history to not let big money and power turn us against each other, ever again.
So Happy Birthday Great Aunt Rosa Parks. You are an inspiartion to any one who chooses to 'SIT' for justice and a $13, 000 fine against one woman who saw all the inconsistencies and questions of records and decided that these should be resolved before a Sec of State entered some one on the ballot for the highest court in the land, just because she did';t realize she needed a few of those reocrds out of Topeka Ks. I know of no ineligibility factor. But there are a lot of questions and she should not be punished for raising them. But birthers , you do need to get some of the Topeka records to support your contentions, but if your contentions are that he is not eligilbie, then  you don't have a valid case.  And: being a crook or ID thief, if this did occur; does not disqualify one from being eligblel for running for president.
"and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject  to the Revision and Controul of the Congress."
Import duties and tariifs and fess, etc. belong to the US govt, to we the people.  even those collected by States. The states are only working on behalf of the federal govt. I'm not aware of that occurring any where currently, but there are a lot of thingsI don't know and this daily phrase by phrase analysis is being done to further debate and discussion and a renewal of understanding of the founding document  of this nation and one that has served us well for over 250 years and can be amended as our human understanding matures to further those inalienable rights and priciples that are common to most faith documents that human behavior needs checks on it as we can be tempted to do worng things that harm others and society and we need to make sure that the govt has these check and balances so harm is not done. and if one of the three branches of our govt shirks their duty to the people then we all  are harmed.
Orly Taitz with all her financial backing only got a tonguee lashing from one judge,  but another stomps on a poor woman who raised the same questions.  That's unequal treatment.Even if I disagree with the premise of eligibility. Unless something comes to light, I am not privy to and was not witness too later in the life of the President. But, again the key is Topeka Ks and the volumes o frecords of all kinds there. And if there is justice for the three dead, then society snd justice has been served. TOMORROW: Prayers for Doyle, please!: Linda Joy Adams 2/4/13

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