
Monday, February 18, 2013

Daily Recap 2/18/13: Slander Heats Up: President Obama Born In Topeka Ks

Daily Recap 2/18/13: Slander Heats Up: President Obama Born In Topeka ks:
 Pleasant and Sun came out and planted a few Snow peas , but not feeling very well as woke up with bleeding sinuses. I just don't have the money  this month to buy the probiotic that helps that contains the Salivarious one which helps fight staph like infections and now do folks understand why I'm not travailing up to Kansas and searching for the records my self on the President's bio when there are plenty folsk that have collected a lot of donations to do so.   All the paper work is growing to try and rectify all this obstruction of medical care, but sometimes prayer for those who do one wrong is all one has the ability to do.
So will cut this short tonight and try to recuperate.
 PRESIDENT OBAMA BORN IN TOPEKA KS;  The slander online is lik a e last hurrah over anything any one that may get found out is going to spew out before caught. And I'm speaking to those that do not want to know the Truth  , because if they did they would have gotten the records out of Topeka Ks a long time ago. and Indications  are they knew and didn't care as they were making too much money off of a fake bio. That means a disrepect for the President and a lack of caring for another human being.  As of 2004, he apparently din'tt know the truth. All I can do is share what I know and hope that other eye witnesses  will feel free share what they know. And when they do, try to say how you know. What did you see, hear, etc. Who was the source of the info, did you see any thing in a document or on paper, etc. Remember that apparently the president needs us to help hm find out the truth. Babies and children do have memories, but my earliest memories from right after birth, were not in a context of time and place until later years, when I visited places and learned things. Some times, I was seeing things from a few feet off the ground and it was because I was being held as a baby or small child by someone.
The latest horrid slander is about a poem thee Pres allegedly wrote and and was published at Occidental College. Some say he said it was about one person or another, but a lot of things are being said by a lot of people. Id read that it was said in some sources to be about Davis whom some have gossiped about as the real Dad. But my closer sources: My mother who was told by Ann plus the common knowledge in the City of Topeka KS and at Topeka HS are its the murdered class mate of mine who was sitting with Ann and they were both attacked and three ended up dead in the river. No one w has ever been brought to justice and no one seems to want to remember how their gossip led some to deadly results. One cann not over come the past horors that way. It dooms us to repeat them to foget that human can sin gravely.
 There's something badly wrong when a newspaper won't allow their reporters in Topeka Ks to check the archives for the marriage and birth announcements and the  articles when the bodies washed up on a sand bar much later before the summer of 1962.  His name is listed there, but it has never been in the media and I have not revealed it as I don't have the DNA,  But someone might that owns that 1948 chevy my mother drove Ann to Forbes air force base hospital in to have him, and her water broke in  the back and some went into the cotton stuffing in the back seat. They sold it as a good running antique in the 1980's from Paxico Ks  Tracy and Florence Hardy.
I have never heard nor known that Daniel Wayne Pope who stole Stanley Dunham's ID to go to WWII when too young ever did what is alleged. He is reportedly deceased even though his sisters obituaries in recent years say he isn't, I don'/t; think the younger generations in the Pope family know much?
As I've said before; in  early 2008, our son, started to do a genealogy of four sisters and one brother  and their parents  that came to Haxtun Colorado almost a 100 years ago and many descendants  are scattered all over . Many don't know each other. Some by distance and some got seperated by religions and even politics, etc as hapens in many families.
NO ONE WAS TALKING. Two descendants of two of the sisters were running against each other for rhe top two offices in the land and on oppsiing tickets. Not unusal for me to have this happen over the  last thirty years, but more so in my mother's extended family.Too many of them either have not known their true bios or not said who they are. also.
 Care needs to be taken in this to not believe everything read or heard about. Try to find eye witnesses and let them be heard and Eye witnesses should try and be specific of what they saw or heard and who from and when and in what context. If they saw documents what were they. Its not easy to do this and everyone wants you to embellish with speculations and too much of that is out there now.
CLARIFICATION: The info on the electoral college and the involement of the House of Representatives in choosing the top two offices was amended later. But this is the original and helps understand the history and context of what led to what we have now..
" In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice -President."
This making the top two Pres and VP did't last long and led to the amendments as soon there were opposing views on how things should be. Now people are complaining that the two major parties are too much alike and there is little choices when voting. So the Constitution remains a living document that can be amended as times change.  TOMORROW: Back to the mound of paper work? Linda Joy Adams 2/18/13

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